가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청 Family care leave subsidy .General summary of conditions and application methods. – Real Estate Doctor 1

가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청real estate doctor 1

Family care leave subsidy .General summary of conditions and application methods. In the case of office workers, it is not easy to apply for long-term leave due to personal family matters because they are tied to the company. Recently, more and more people are applying for vacation due to various family matters. I would like to introduce the support measures prepared by the government to solve these difficulties of office workers.
In this post, I summarized the family care leave subsidy, conditions and application method.
In the case of an employee, this is an (unpaid) leave system that can be used when there is a reason to urgently take a leave of absence and take care of a family member due to illness, accident, the elderly, childcare, etc.
You can take up to 10 days of vacation per year, and you can use it on a daily basis.
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▶For families with children under the age of 8 or under the 2nd grade of elementary school, or disabled children under the age of 18
​▶ When parents, spouses, grandparents, parents, children, and grandchildren of spouses (limited to grandparents’ families) are classified as patients with COVID-19 infectious disease, suspected patients of infectious disease, or carriers of pathogens and need urgent care
Family care leave 50,000 won per day (up to 8 hours per day)
Up to 10 days per worker, maximum subsidy of 500,000 won
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Applications for family care leave subsidies can be made online (moel.go.kr) or by mail, fax, or visit to the employment center in the jurisdiction of the applicant’s or business address.
You can bring the required documents and submit them to the relevant employment center by visiting, mailing or faxing, or online at the Employment Insurance website (www.ei.go.kr).
Ministry of Employment and Labor Customer Service Center: 1350 without area code

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Please refer to the family care leave confirmation form below.

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Above, we have summarized the family care leave subsidy, conditions and application method.
Please refer to the related information through the post below.
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가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청

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