교통법규 위반 범칙금 Find out the difference between a fine and a fine that is confusing! – Kixx Cider – Kixx Engine Oil Blog

교통법규 위반 범칙금‘Fine for negligence’ is a monetary penalty imposed for violation of laws and regulations that does not have the nature of punishment unlike fines or minor fines. If the driver is not identified, the owner of the vehicle is fined for negligence, mainly when the vehicle is cracked down by non-human enforcement equipment, such as an unmanned enforcement camera or a black box report. In addition, fines are fines imposed for violations of traffic laws, but they are a kind of administrative punishment and do not impose penalty points.

‘Penalty’ is money that the offender (driver) who has violated the Road Traffic Act must pay to the national treasury. Penalty points are levied directly on the driver when a traffic police officer detects a violation. Also, when you renew your car insurance, it can be a premium premium.

Lastly, ‘fine’ is a monetary criminal punishment that requires payment to the state in case of violating regulations related to criminal disposition.

Usually, you may think that paying a cheaper fine is an advantage, but fines are the vehicle owner’s subject of punishment, so they do not remain as a driver’s traffic violation record. For this reason, the method of paying the fine + 20% discount for advance payment is often used.
Fines and penalties are largely classified into violations of speeding, stopping and parking prohibitions, and violations of signals and instructions. The amount varies depending on the type of vehicle, such as a van, passenger car, or two-wheeled vehicle, and may also vary depending on whether there is a protected area.

In case of speed limit violation, the amount and penalty points vary depending on the speed exceeded, and in particular, the speed limit regulations in traffic vulnerable protection areas (children protection areas, elderly protection areas, and disabled protection areas) impose double fines and fines on general roads, so it is recommended to be very careful.

Illegal parking hinders the smooth flow of traffic and can cause accidents. If you are caught parking in a child protection area or within 5 meters of a fire hydrant, you will have to pay a double fine, and if you park in a fire truck-only area, you will be fined up to KRW 1 million, so be sure to park in the designated parking area.

Violation of traffic lights is also an item subject to fines and demerit points. As with speed violations, the demerit points, fines, and fines are doubled on general roads and traffic vulnerable areas, so be careful.
You can check your violation details by entering ‘iFine’ on the Traffic Civil Complaints 24 website of the National Police Agency.
[Go to Police Agency Traffic Complaint 24 ‘iFine’]

Fines and fines can be paid at financial institutions such as banks, and can also be paid at a police station to a virtual payment account. If you want to pay online, you can pay using a virtual account issued by ‘ifine’.

If the fine is not paid even though it has been confirmed, an additional penalty of up to 77% may be imposed. However, if the fine is not paid, the property such as vehicle, real estate, etc. is seized according to the example of national and local tax delinquency, and then a public auction is conducted to cover the amount of the fine in arrears.

If the penalty is not paid, 1.2 times the penalty must be paid within 20 days. In addition, from September 28, 2018, due to the revision of the Road Traffic Act, the issuance of international driver’s licenses is restricted for drivers who are in arrears in paying traffic fines and fines.

Today, we learned about the definition and difference between fines and fines. The best way is to drive safely and obey traffic laws so as not to pay fines and fines, but if you have to pay, it’s better to pay so as not to be late. Please obey the traffic laws for safe roads! It was Kixx engine oil!

교통법규 위반 범칙금
