국가지원금 Ministry of Public Administration and Security> Information disclosure> Advance information disclosure> National treasury subsidy status disclosure

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– The government subsidy budget is KRW 1.4413 trillion for each project, or 2.6% of the total budget.
– Consisting of local government subsidies of KRW 1.3622 trillion (94.5%) and private subsidies of KRW 79.1 billion (5.5%).
– Statistics Center → Auxiliary Projects → Auxiliary Project Status (by breakdown project) → Central Ministry (selected by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety) → Details of Details of Projects
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Government Civil Service Information Call Center: 110 (free), Ministry of the Interior and Safety Call Center: 02-2100-3399 (Monday to Friday, 9:00~18:00, excluding public holidays) / Fax: 044-204-8911
(Outside of working hours) On-call office 044-205-1600
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