국민연금 환급금Below you will find out how to check and apply for a national pension refund.
The national pension refund is the amount incurred due to double or mistaken payment of national pension insurance premiums, or retroactive loss of eligibility or retroactive reduction or adjustment of assessment data even though it was normally charged and notified. If an overpayment refund occurs, you must inquire and request receipt in person to receive it, and the statute of limitations is 3 years.
According to the National Assembly audit, from 2000 to June 2022, the number of refunds that were lost due to non-repayment among the national pension accrued due to overpayment or mispayment was 3,406, and the total amount was 5.34 trillion won. In other words, many people did not visit within 3 years and were unable to receive refunds.
National pension refunds can be applied for at the National Health Insurance Corporation in the same way as health insurance refunds. All photos below were taken using a PC. If it is difficult to proceed through a PC, we recommend that you visit the corporation in person.
Go to the National Health Insurance Corporation (https://www.nhis.or.kr/nhis/index.do) website.
Access the refund inquiry/application menu in the center of the screen.
Select personal/business type and proceed with simple authentication. If you run your own business, you may not be able to view it as an individual.
After logging in, view the refund details, select the item for which you want a refund, and click Apply for Refund.
Enter the insurance premium refund payment account and click Apply to complete the application.
A. The national pension refund payment period takes 3 to 5 business days.
A. A representative can apply. If you apply in person, you will need a power of attorney from an agent and a certificate of seal impression.
A. National pension refund is due to overpayment of national pension.
A. In addition to national pension refunds, there are various refunds such as health insurance refunds and tax refunds. Please refer to the article below for more details.
5 steps to apply for National Health Insurance Refund Inquiry
How to check car refund in 5 steps
How to find hidden insurance money in 7 steps | Find my insurance
Summary of Samjeomsam Refund Period – 3.3 Refund Review
Samjjeomsam refund review (3o3.co.kr) – period, fee
Recently, the Civil Rights Commission recommended to the National Pension Service, “If the National Pension Service is responsible for overpayment, it is desirable to restore the public’s trust in public institutions by refunding the overpaid or incorrect insurance premiums regardless of the statute of limitations.” In other words, if insurance premiums were incorrectly charged due to the National Pension Service’s clear negligence, the guidelines are being changed to allow for refunds even after three years.
Today we learned how to check national pension refund amount. More people than you might think are missing out on their refunds. There are a lot of posts about sleeping money on the blog, so please read them. Next time, I will come back with more useful information. Thank you.
