국민취업지원제도 2유형 My husband applied for the National Employment Support System! – Policies spoken by the people | News | Republic of Korea Policy Briefing

국민취업지원제도 2유형I am in the early 60s, and my peers have already retired from their workplaces a long time ago, and now younger generations born in the late 60s are also starting to retire. In the past, when one retired from work, it was common to enjoy retirement life without further job seeking, but now it seems that we have reached an age where that equation no longer works.
The government is helping people find employment by establishing the ‘National Employment Support System’, which provides comprehensive employment support services to all citizens seeking employment, including retirees.
This time, my spouse also applied online to receive support from the National Employment Support System, and the review by the local Employment Welfare Plus Center is currently in progress.
Beneficiaries of the National Employment Support System are classified into Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 is for job seekers between the ages of 15 and 69 who meet the median income and asset requirements and have had a certain amount of employment experience within the past two years. The job search promotion allowance and employment promotion allowance are paid at 500,000 won per month for 6 months. You will receive support services.
In the case of type 2, it is said that those who are from a specific class such as married immigrants, small business owners, or middle-aged job seekers between the ages of 35 and 69 and whose income is less than 100% of the median income are provided with a small amount of employment activity expenses and employment support services. Of the two types, this time the spouse applied for type 2.
When you apply to receive the benefits of the National Employment Support System, your application will be assigned to an employee at the nearby Employment Welfare Plus Center that has jurisdiction over your address. Afterwards, you will screen your eligibility, establish your own employment activity plan, and engage in actual job search activities. .
After establishing an employment activity plan, full-scale job counseling and job search activities begin, and for Type 1 participants, a job search promotion allowance of 500,000 won per month is paid for 6 months from this point on.
In order to receive the benefits of the National Employment Support System, the spouse completed the initial application on January 6, and was assigned to an employee at the Employment Welfare Plus Center faster than expected, so the eligibility for benefits was recognized quickly.
Because I was unfamiliar with the system, I wondered whether I should prepare the documents and then visit the center in person to apply offline, but when I actually applied, I was able to proceed with the process simply by registering as a member of the site online and entering my personal information. .
Even those in their 60s can apply without difficulty, so I think the number of retirees applying for the National Employment Support System will increase in the future.
Although there are many cases where children help, retirees who have entered the elderly age group often fail because they are not familiar with job market trends even if they have the ability and will to seek re-employment. However, I am confident that the National Employment Support System will be a strong supporter of passionate retirees’ uninterrupted social life!
National Employment Support System website: http://kua.go.kr/

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국민취업지원제도 2유형
