근로장려금 신청자격확인 Qualifications for application for employment incentives and how to inquire qualifications

근로장려금 신청자격확인If you are a worker who is preparing for labor incentives, the qualifications you need to know, this year 2022, the new qualifications have changed (see details). In fact, if you are applying for a work incentive for the first time, it is unavoidable that you feel difficult even if you look at the qualifications. For these people, we will tell you how to easily search for worker qualifications and qualifications.

※ [Contents] How to check eligibility for employment incentives
⊙ 1. Find out the qualifications ☜
⊙ 2. Check application qualifications ☜
⊙ 3. Apply for work subsidy ☜

Source: Mingom2.tistory.com

▶ Qualifications for 2022 Labor Subsidy

In order to apply for and receive the subsidy, you must meet the eligibility requirements. Qualifications for applying for work permits are set according to income, property, and household members. Please note that the eligibility requirements for labor incentives have changed in 2022.

Go to Home Tax Worker’s Subsidy ☜

Details of eligibility for work incentives ☜

Changes to the 2022 Labor Subsidy    ☜

▶ Go to Hometax homepage

If you are curious about whether or not you are eligible to apply for the work subsidy, you can check the eligibility requirements and application qualifications for the work subsidy through the Hometax website. First, go to the Hometax site through the “Go to Hometax” below, and then proceed according to the procedure of how to search for work incentives.
Go to Hometax

▶ How to inquire eligibility for employment incentives

Please access the Hometax homepage to inquire about eligibility requirements and application qualifications for employment incentives. Find the Welfare Joint box on the main screen of the homepage. In the box, select “Work/Child subsidy” to go to the Work subsidy service page. A list of periodic work incentives and semi-annual work incentives appears. Here, you can easily inquire through “Inquiry about whether or not you are eligible for application guidance” by dividing semi-annual and regular.

Learn about semi-annual and regular applications ☜

Details on how to issue public certificates  ☜

See details on how to apply for simple authentication  ☜

▶ Application for work incentives

Employment incentives are divided into “semi-annual application” and “regular application” depending on the application period. Therefore, the timing of application for the subsidy and the period of payment of the subsidy are important. You can find out in detail through “View Details” below.

Check my hidden refund ☜

Preparing for a Global Income Tax Application ☜

How to get a discount on car tax  ☜

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근로장려금 신청자격확인

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