다이소 영업시간 알아보기 Find out Daiso’s business hours

Daiso business hours store details
In this article, we will guide you through how you can easily check detailed information such as business hours, location, and phone number of Daiso stores where you can purchase a variety of products at low prices. Check Daiso store information easily and simply using the method below.

다이소 영업시간

다이소 영업시간


Daiso business hours store details





When purchasing consumable products that are too expensive to buy, many people look for Daiso for cheaper prices. Daiso has many stores across the country, but many people are not sure where the Daiso store near their home is located.




Also, even if you manage to visit a Daiso store, there are cases where you end up leaving in vain because you cannot meet the business hours. Moreover, although Daiso is basically open all year round, it is closed on holidays such as Chuseok and Lunar New Year, so you should check carefully before going. So, in this article, I will guide you on how to find information about Daiso.



First, I will guide you on how to find the location of a Daiso store near your home. You can check information about Daiso through Daiso’s official website, but for those who want to easily find the location with a map, we recommend using Daum Map or Naver Map as a convenient method.



First, search for a map on Daum or Naver and enter. Then, you can access the map site as shown in the image above. (It is the same for mobile or PC.) You can easily check the location of Daiso by searching for Daiso and the desired location on the map site.




For example, if you are looking for Daiso Sillim branch, you can easily find it by searching for ‘Daiso Sillim’. If you look, you will see that the business hours are listed. Daiso stores are open from 10 AM to 10 PM every day from Monday to Sunday.



If you use the road view function, you can find more detailed locations through actual photos. It would be really convenient to go to Daiso, right?



However, there are times when the store phone number is not visible at a glance on Daum Map, which is inconvenient. In this case, try using Naver Map.



Naver Map displays phone number information at a glance, so you can call the store directly to ask for information on holidays and closed days. Most Daiso stores are open on public holidays, but they are said to be closed on Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok. This also varies slightly from store to store, so I recommend calling and asking directly.



We have briefly looked at how to easily check information such as location, business hours, phone number, and closing days of each Daiso store. For affordable shopping, try finding a solution at a Daiso near your home.