둥글레차 효능 고혈압 Let’s find out the side effects of green tea

The effectiveness of Donggurecha,
Let’s find out the side effects 둥글레차 효능 고혈압


It is said that it is good to drink tea consistently for your health during the change of seasons. For health, it is not coffee or soda
More and more people are taking care of their health while drinking tea. Today, we are going to learn about the efficacy of Donggurecha.




Donggullecha is a tea made by steaming and drying donggulle and then roasting it. Among them, dried donggulle roots have a wide variety of effects that are used as medicinal ingredients in oriental medicine.


둥글레차 효능 고혈압

Donggurecha Efficacy 1. Improving Insomnia
It contains an ingredient called tritopop. This ingredient is effective for a good night’s sleep as it relieves tension and calms down. Drinking dongle tea before sleeping can help you enjoy a good night’s sleep.





Donggurecha Efficacy 2. Prevention of Aging
The antioxidants of Donggurecha play a role in preventing aging and suppressing free oxygen, which is the cause of promoting aging, in the body. It is also effective in discharging toxins accumulated in the body. It is said to help prevent skin diseases such as spots, freckles, and gum mushrooms.



Donggurecha Efficacy 3. Relief from fatigue
Those of you who are suffering from chronic fatigue! Why don’t you recover with a glass of donggulecha? It’s been used as a health medicine for a long time
It is helpful to take donggule when you have low energy or when your body is drooping. It is rich in saponins, which helps restore energy and improve immunity to resist germs.



Donglecha Efficacy 4. Diabetes Improvement
Donggulecha promotes insulin secretion and helps regulate blood sugar. So it helps improve diabetes. In non-diabetic patients, it can prevent diabetes.



the side effects of donggulecha
Donggulecha is not good for people who usually have diarrhea if they are cold, have weak digestive functions, or eat cold foods because it has a cold property. In addition, taking Donggulecha along with a constipation medicine can cause poisoning due to a potassium deficiency.