로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적 How to track Rosen Courier delivery

When you shop on the online market, you can receive the product by courier. The more you want to buy, the more likely you are waiting for the delivery date. You can check the real-time location by using the delivery inquiry service. This time, we prepared a way to check the delivery of Rosen’s courier, but I think the way to check not only Rosen’s but also other couriers will be similar. 로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적

로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적


First of all, find the LOGEN homepage address and access it. If you search using Naver, Daum, Nate, Zoom, Google, etc., you can easily find the site link. You can use the [Courier Inquiry] service right from the main screen, and you can search by entering the waybill number. Alternatively, you can scroll down and use the [Delivery Tracking] menu in the quick service area. 비지니스헬퍼


You can search in three ways, the first is to search by waybill number. The number has a total of 11 digits and can be entered without hyphens. Second, you can search by customer information.


This service can only be used by logging in. The third method is to search by reservation number, and you can enter the 12-digit number of the reservation number and the customer name. Search by the reception number and customer name reserved on the website, mobile, ARS, etc.


I couldn’t search for delivery because I don’t currently have an order from Rosen, but when I randomly entered an 11-digit number and searched, the result was that shipping data could not be found. If you entered it correctly, but it doesn’t work, check the checklist mentioned above. If computerized registration is omitted from the manual invoice, product information may not be searched.


In this way, you can check the delivery of Rosen Courier using your PC and the Internet, but it also provides an application that can be used with a smartphone, so if you need it, you can download and install it. Real-time delivery service, interworking with other courier companies and shopping malls, and other customized services are available, and are available on Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store.