스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법 Check whether Starbucks Gifticon is used and how to use it

I went because there was obviously a gifticon, but when I pay, I see that it has already been used or a fake gifticon sent by a friend as a joke. We share how to check whether the gifticon is used and order using the Starbucks app. 스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법

스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법

Inquiry and usage of Starbucks Gifticon

▣ Coupon number input and barcode recognition are both possible. Gifticons received via text or Starbucks Gifticons received via KakaoTalk can be quickly checked for use in the Starbucks application below by leaving a screenshot or photo. 비지니스헬퍼


1. Install the Starbucks app


2. Click [Order] at the bottom of the Starbucks app


3. Select Starbucks branch to order


4. Order after selecting the menu


5. Click [Gift] in Checkout


6. Click [+ Affiliate Coupon]


7. Get affiliate coupons


8. Enter coupon


9. You can check if Starbucks Gifticon is used and order with the Gifticon amount


▣ If the gifticon has already been used, the time, date, and location are marked and displayed as a used gifticon.


▣ Regardless of the Gifticon menu, as long as the amount is correct, you can order the desired menu, and if there are multiple Gifticons, all of them can be used in duplicate. If the amount is insufficient, you cannot use the gifticon, but if the amount exceeds the amount, you can use the gifticon + additional payment.




How to use and search Starbucks Gifticon
Download [Starbucks] from the Google Play Store or App Store, run it, and click [Order] at the bottom of the app.




How to use and look up Starbucks Gifticon 2
Select the store you want to order from, select the menu, and click [Place Order].




How to use and search Starbucks Gifticon
Click [Gift] in [Payment] and then click [+Affiliate Coupon]. In [Import affiliate coupon], select one of [Import coupon image], [Recognize barcode], or [Input coupon number].


If KakaoTalk Gifticon or Text Gifticon is saved as a picture, select it from [Import Coupon Image] and it will be retrieved on its own. If the gifticon is not saved as a picture, you can save it as an image or take a screenshot.



Starbucks-Gifticon-Usage-Inquiry-and-How-to-Part 4
How to use and look up Starbucks Gifticon 4th

▣ Starbucks Gifticons can be used regardless of quantity or menu as long as the amount is correct.


Example) Two cups of Americano + Blueberry Cookie Cheesecake Just because you received a gifticon, you don’t have to eat just that, but you can change the menu in this way.


▣ If the order amount is greater than the gifticon amount, you can use it by paying additionally, but please note that coupons cannot be used if the order amount is less than the gifticon amount.


Example) Gifticon amount 15,000 won Order amount 13,000 won Temporary gifticon cannot be used, Gifticon amount 15,000 won Order amount 18,000 won = 15,000 won gifticon use + 3,000 won additional payment


Starbucks gift card already used
Mark Used Starbucks Gifticons
Starbucks gifticons that have already been used are displayed with the date, time, and location as above.



We learned about whether and how to use Starbucks Gifticons. I also have a few gifticons I received via text message or KakaoTalk, but I looked them up and deleted all the ones I used. It’s not bad to go and order directly with a gifticon, but it looks cooler to order through the app and visit it, so I think I’ll use it often in the future.