스타크래프트 리마스터 무료 다운로드(feat. 공식홈페이지) Free download of StarCraft Remastered (feat. official website)

Let’s learn how to download StarCraft Remastered.

Of course, Battle.net is possible.

Of course it’s free.


How to download and install StarCraft Remastered and how to install the StarCraft Remastered version for free can be done without difficulty. First, search for Blizzard on the search portal and go to the website. Then select the StarCraft item at the top, and when the list expands, select the StarCraft: Remastered item.

스타크래프트 리마스터 무료


스타크래프트 리마스터 무료


If you come to the StarCraft: Remastered page, scroll down and click the Play for Free button. Then press the Play for free button again.




Then, the StarCraft setup file save pop-up window will appear, click the Open button, and when the language selection pop-up window will appear, press the Continue button.




When the StarCraft installation pop-up window appears, press the Continue button. First, the Battle.net app installation begins and wait until completion.




Once completed, the Battle.net login screen will appear, enter your ID and password, and proceed with logging in. And when the StarCraft installation pop-up window appears, press the Continue button.





Removal instructions will be provided, so click the Start Installation button at the bottom right. Then, a new pop-up window like the one above will appear, and you can check whether or not it is installed at the bottom left. Wait until it is complete.




Once completed, a play button will be created, and when you click that button, StarCraft will run and you can enjoy the game. So, to end this post, it was time to briefly learn about how to download and install StarCraft Remastered.