쏘팔메토 추천, 효과, 부작용 알아보기 (feat.총정리)Saw palmetto recommendations, effects, and side effects (feat. Summary)

I think many of you are unfamiliar with the name saw palmetto. There are many foods that are good for men, but saw palmetto is also a plant extract that is good for men. In this time, we will learn about saw palmetto in detail, especially the efficacy of saw palmetto.



Benefits of Saw Palmetto

1. Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is a vegetable extract extracted from the fruit of a tree called Serenoa repens that grows in the subtropics of the southeastern United States. Native Americans have long used saw palmetto to treat urinary and reproductive problems.
Saw palmetto plant extract is known to have anti-androgenic effects, improving prostate health and hair regeneration, especially in men. It is also associated with a variety of benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved urinary function, which has recently attracted a lot of attention as a male nutritional supplement.


쏘팔메토 추천 효과 부작용

쏘팔메토 추천, 효과, 부작용


Benefits of Saw Palmetto
2. Benefits of Saw Palmetto


Benefits of Saw Palmetto
The efficacy of saw palmetto 1. Helps with hormone balance.

The efficacy of saw palmetto is the effect of accelerating metabolism. Testosterone is secreted from male hormones, and male hormones naturally decrease with age, but saw palmetto has the effect of slowing down and supplementing male hormones.

The efficacy of saw palmetto 2. Helps strengthen testosterone levels.

Testosterone levels are important for men as they age. When testosterone is low, various diseases and masculine functions can be reduced. Saw palmetto has the effect of improving testosterone levels by reducing bad hormones that lower testosterone levels.


Benefits of Saw Palmetto
The effectiveness of saw palmetto 3. Helps prevent dementia.

The efficacy of saw palmetto has a component that inhibits free radicals. Active oxygen accumulates in our body as we age. If it increases a lot, it acidifies the body and destroys healthy cells, causing various diseases, most notably destroying brain cells and causing dementia. Saw palmetto inhibits free radicals and is effective in preventing dementia.

The effectiveness of saw palmetto 4. Helps prevent hair loss.

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics or certain medical conditions, hormonal changes, and use of medications such as stimulants and blood thinners. In these cases, saw palmetto can be used to balance testosterone levels and prevent hair loss. According to one study, saw palmetto may help block the activity of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to another sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone, which is associated with hair loss. Saw palmetto may also prevent hair loss by reducing the uptake of DHT by hair follicles, which in turn reduces the ability of DHT to bind to certain hormone receptors. In addition, related studies found that oral and topical supplements containing saw palmetto improved hair quality by 60%, increased total hair count by 27%, and increased hair density in 83% of people with hair loss.

5. Anti-inflammatory effect of saw palmetto

Inflammation is an important factor in the development of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Saw palmetto extract has anti-inflammatory effects and may help reduce the risk of these diseases. It may also help relieve symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

The efficacy of saw palmetto 6. Helps relieve prostate enlargement.

When menopause comes, it is said that the symptoms of prostate enlargement can come first. At this time, it is said that the amount of active male hormone increases and can appear. In particular, it is said that prostate enlargement progresses slowly from the age of 40, but when the age of 60 or older, about 3/4 of the people can experience these symptoms, and the prostate presses the urethra and can cause urination disorders. At this time, since the lauric acid ingredient mentioned above is a recognized functional ingredient that can help prostate health, saw palmetto can help prevent and improve it.

The effectiveness of saw palmetto 7. Helps improve diuretic effect.

If the diuretic effect is not good, you usually feel a lot of inconvenience in life. Poor diuretic action can cause urination disorders such as urination at night, urination, or enlargement of the prostate. The efficacy of saw palmetto is effective in improving these conditions and can improve urinary incontinence in men.


Benefits of Saw Palmetto
3. Saw Palmetto Side Effects

Saw palmetto, a good prostate food, is generally considered safe and has few side effects, but to name a few, some of the more common side effects include diarrhea, headache, fatigue, decreased libido, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. there is. Additionally, although saw palmetto has a variety of benefits, pregnant or lactating women are advised to avoid saw palmetto supplements as research on safety and long-term effects is limited. And because saw palmato can alter hormone levels, it may likewise not be suitable for those taking hormone replacement therapy or hormonal contraceptives. Because saw palmetto may interfere with blood thinners such as warfarin or coumadin, you should always consult your healthcare professional before taking saw palmetto if you have an underlying medical condition, are taking certain medications, or are pregnant or lactating.


Benefits of Saw Palmetto

4. How to take saw palmetto
The standard dose used in clinical studies of saw palmetto is 160-320 mg per day. It doesn’t matter what time of day you take it, before or after a meal. For reference, since saw palmetto has different usage and recommended dosage depending on the product, it is recommended to follow the dosage and precautions indicated on the supplement.

In this time, we learned about the efficacy, side effects, and how to take saw palmetto. If you are worried about your prostate health, I hope you have a healthy day with saw palmetto.


Benefits of Saw Palmetto

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