아파트아이 관리비 Apartment i | Management fee discount method | Management fee payment method – Real Estate Doctor 1

아파트아이 관리비Real Estate Doctor 1

Apartment child. How much is the apartment maintenance fee? You get a bill in your mailbox every month, but do you check it briefly and throw it away right away? It is said that they can check the apartment management fee directly on their mobile phone, analyze the management fee details, and even provide a discount.
In this post, we will look at how to use “Apartment i” and its discount benefits.
This is a service that allows you to check and pay apartment management fees via mobile phone or PC internet.
It compares overall management costs, heating costs, water, gas, and electricity costs, etc., with the apartment average, and analyzes the monthly rates compared to the previous month.
✔By analyzing your home’s maintenance costs at a glance, you can easily find wasteful areas and help save money.
✔Apartment management fees can be paid by automatic transfer or by linking with a card.
✔You can enjoy various event benefits.

1. After accessing the Apartment i website, record your basic address and personal information and sign up as a member.
2. By performing an inspection for each energy item, you can check your home’s energy usage and average.
3. Click on the management fee payment item to analyze various information as shown below.
We need to look at the current status of electricity, water, heating, and general management costs and find areas that can be reduced.
You can receive the notice by email below or print it on your printer at home.
4. You can save some of the apartment management fees through cash conversion, so if you have any remaining points, please use them by converting them to cash.
Please check “Apartment Child Application” through the website below.
If you look at the management fee discount event on the website, there are many events in progress, so it will be of some help to you if you check them one by one and participate.
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Above, we learned about ways to discount apartment child care fees.
Check out various information through the popular articles below.
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