에너지바우처 신청 How to apply for an energy voucher

에너지바우처 신청By 2023, home heating costs have risen by more than 30% on average. In terms of numbers, it feels like it has almost doubled. The Apartment i mobile bill I received last month… was miserable. On average, the amount, which was in the mid-200,000 won range, rose to the mid-300,000 won range, and in particular, in the details, the household heating fee, communal heating fee, and household hot water fee were marked in red… It went up by more than 100,000 won~ Other houses had maintenance fees of 500,000 won. There are places where it costs more than 10,000 won.

In times like these, it is necessary to visit the nearest jurisdictional office in person to check what discount benefits apply to you. Of course, it is difficult to receive noticeable benefits due to the income criteria, but if you are a family that can receive tax reductions, it will not be difficult to visit the competent office, right?

The morning news said that 1/4 of those eligible for tax reductions are paying high electricity and heating bills without even knowing they are eligible.
I hope everyone will check it out and save even a penny during this difficult time and have a warm, heart-warming cold winter.

The first thing to check is the new selection criteria for welfare benefits announced by the Central Living Security Committee in 2023.
Based on this amount, the conditions for tax reduction benefits for basic livelihood recipients such as education benefits, housing benefits, medical benefits, and living allowances are determined.

(Unit: KRW/month)
As shown in the table above, on average, it increased by about 5% compared to last year.

Energy voucher applications can be made through the Welfare website.

There is so much enthusiasm for applying for energy vouchers that it ranks first on the site for welfare benefits.

Log in using your financial certificate or joint certificate and search for “energy voucher” in the search bar!

Apply for an energy voucher

The most important thing is to check who is eligible for support (those who are eligible for basic livelihood security).

Target for energy voucher application support

Those eligible for energy vouchers must meet conditions 1 and 2 shown in the picture above to apply.
I also have an infant and young child at home, so I checked to see if I was eligible for application, but I could not apply because I had to fall under the first standard of basic livelihood security (livelihood, medical care, housing, medical care).

Please check the amount for household members listed above before applying.
If you feel a little confused, you can easily apply by visiting the competent office at any time, so we recommend that you visit at least once. There may be benefits I don’t know about.

When you press the apply button, there are four steps. I can’t show you in detail because it concerns personal information, but it’s not difficult.

Energy voucher application steps

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