우리은행 예금잔액증명서 Tips for quickly issuing a deposit balance certificate from Woori Bank

Issuance of deposit balance certificate: Comparison of Woori Bank branch visit vs. online application (2000 characters or more)
The deposit balance certificate is an important document used for various purposes, such as applying for a home mortgage, student loan, or scholarship. Woori Bank provides two ways to issue a deposit balance certificate: visiting a branch or applying online.

In this guide, we provide detailed information in more than 2000 characters to compare the pros and cons of the two methods and help you choose the best method for your situation.

1. Visit Woori Bank branch 우리은행 예금잔액증명서


우리은행 예금잔액증명서

You can apply with help from staff 이베이스매뉴얼
Options such as signature/seal and reverse translation are available.
Documents can be received immediately after issuance

Visit time and cost
Branch business hours restrictions
Waiting time may occur
2. Apply online


Application possible without restrictions on time and location
Available 24 hours a day
Issuance fee discount (Internet/mobile 500 won)
Fast issuance (real-time issuance possible)

PC or smartphone required
Internet/mobile banking experience required
Limited selection of signature/seal and back-translation options
3. Comparison Summary

Visit a reference branch Apply online
Convenience Low High
Time consuming High Low
Cost high low
Submit documents Submit in person Upload online
Issuance period: 10 to 30 minutes real-time
Issuance fee 1,000 won 500 won
Limited signature/seal availability
Limited back-translation possible
4. Selection guide

If you want convenience and quick issuance, apply online
Visit a branch if you need assistance from a staff member, signature/seal, or reverse translation options.
If you want to save on issuance fees, apply online
If you have no experience using internet/mobile banking, visit a branch
5. Additional information

Woori Bank website:
Woori Bank Smartphone Banking App: Download from App Store or Google Play
Woori Bank Customer Center:
6. FAQ

6.1 Q: What documents do I need to prepare when applying online?

A: Generally, only identity verification documents (resident registration card, driver’s license, etc.) are required.

6.2 Q: Is a signature/seal required when applying online?

A: In most cases this is not required, but a signature/seal may be required for some purposes.

6.3 Q: Is back-translation required when applying online?

A: Back-translation may be necessary for certain purposes, such as visa applications.

6.4 Q: Is a reservation required when visiting a branch?