이유식 시작시기 및 이유식 종류 알아보기 Learn when to start weaning and the types of weaning

When to start weaning
In the past, there was a recommendation to start weaning at 6 months for breastfeeding and at 4 months for formula feeding, but these days, we recommend starting weaning at 6 months of age, regardless of the feeding method. Allergic factors such as flour and eggs were also exposed as late as possible, but recent research results suggest that exposure from the beginning is rather recommended. As the information is continuously updated, it seems that there are little changes/additions.

Weaning period
In Korea, it is mainly classified as early/middle/late/complete, but it is not absolute, so you can refer to it as a guideline.

number of months time
4-6 early weaning food
7-8 mid-term baby food
9-11 late baby food
Completion period after 12 months
Since each child’s growth rate is different, it is recommended to adjust the amount of water little by little after observing how the child eats. If you have adjusted the thinness or particle size, but it is too heavy and difficult to pass, you can adjust it to a smaller size again.



이유식 시작시기

이유식 시작시기


Why only add 1 new ingredient at a time
The biggest reason is allergy checks. There are factors that can cause allergies in food, but each child has a different reaction, so we have no choice but to check it while eating baby food. When ingredients are mixed, it is difficult to determine which ingredient causes an allergy, so it is recommended to add new ingredients only one at a time, at intervals of 3-4 days. After checking the child’s reaction, if it is okay, you can move on to the next material.

allergy factor
Allergy factors are very diverse, but in the case of baby food, the factors that can be caused by food will be applicable. The representative factor is many foods with protein properties, such as egg whites/yolks, milk, nuts, fish, and meat. In addition, they are also found in grains such as flour and various vegetables and fruits.

allergy test
If a parent has allergies or is concerned about testing food, there is also a way to test at the hospital. Usually, it can be confirmed with a blood test, and it is said that the cost is about 50,000 won, but it will be different for each hospital, right? In some cases, actual expenses may be charged, so it would be good to check with the insurance company before visiting.

gag reflex
After starting weaning, you will see that babies frequently act like weeping and vomiting when they eat food. It is said that there are cases where you put your hand in your mouth and try to get food out of your mouth because you are worried that it might be stuck in your throat. It’s okay if you don’t! The reason why babies whimper is the body’s reaction to prevent food or foreign objects from passing into the airway, which is called the gag reflex. Compared to adults, the gag reflex is located anteriorly. It’s a normal reaction, so don’t be too scared. However, if the baby is unable to breathe and cyanosis, which is blue in the peripheral or complexion, should be treated immediately.

Mom Acorn Says
What I felt when I started baby food is that it is okay to be a little loose. Many parenting books and TV shows provide the right and correct education methods and guidelines. But I don’t think that information is absolute, nor does it need to be absolute. Isn’t theory and practice different? Each child has a different growth rate and tendency. I also search the Internet or read a lot of parenting books, but based on that, I am trying to transform and apply it in a way that suits my child, and I think that I should not try to judge my child with that standard. Of course, we have to protect things (safety, etc.), but if we try to limit too many situations, both mother and child get tired. Even now, we are working hard and doing well, so don’t worry too much about us!