자전거도로의 구분 Terminal > What is a bicycle path?

자전거도로의 구분A bicycle-only road that marks its boundary with safety signs, fences for hazard prevention, etc., that can be shared with cars and horses
automobile. There is a road that can be used for both bicycles and pedestrians. (Article 3 of the Bicycle Utilization Promotion Act)
Bicycle roads include bike-only roads, bike/pedestrian roads, and bike/vehicle roads.
Considering the land use facilities and road network/traffic volume of the local government, plan the shape of the bicycle road to be appropriate according to the traffic conditions.
– Road Traffic Act Article 13 (Traffic of vehicles and horses)
– Road Traffic Act Article 13 (vehicle and horse traffic)
– Article 15 of the Act on Vitalization of Bicycle Use (Cycle Traffic, etc.)
– Article 15 of the Act on Vitalization of Bicycle Use (How to use bicycles, etc.)
– Road Traffic Act Article 25 (intersection passage method)

자전거도로의 구분
