카톡 투데이 How to know if your ex has looked up your KakaoTalk profile today (+ additional features)

카톡 투데이With KakaoTalk’s new feature, how to know how many times your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend viewed your Kakao profile is becoming a hot topic online. That’s how you use the Profile Visitors Today widget. We will tell you more details below.

If you enter KakaoTalk Profile Editing, it refers to the profile visitor count widget (today) newly added to the decoration function. This is a function that lets you know how many people have viewed your profile, and you can check it on your KakaoTalk profile background picture as a widget.

Features of kakaotalk profile today widget
– You don’t know who the visitor is, only the number of visitors.
– Duplicate visits are also counted, and even clicks are counted.
– Can be hidden behind other widgets or stickers.
– It can also be used for multi-profiles.

Using the above features, now we are going to tell you how to know how many times your ex has viewed you.

KakaoTalk multi-profile setup
First, set up a multi-profile in KakaoTalk. And designate one person (ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend) to show that profile.
Edit kakaotalk multi profile
Then, go to ‘Edit Profile’ of the multi-profile and attach the today widget. By doing this, a multi-profile for that one person is completed.
Hide the today widget
To hide, make the today widget size as small as possible and cover it with other large widgets (music widget, stickers, etc.) so that the other party cannot know. The reason for doing this is that the other party may check this widget and not come in.
*However, please note that checking with the PC version or tablet version of KakaoTalk can make a difference!

This time, we will tell you about other new features besides the today widget.

empathy sticker
Like the today widget, this is a KakaoTalk profile widget that plays a similar role to Instagram likes, which increase hearts when you press a sticker. Popular among students these days, empathy can be pressed multiple times, except for oneself. Up to +9,999 are displayed.

reservation message
Reservation messages, which were only available through text messages, are now available on KakaoTalk. If you press the + next to the KakaoTalk chat room chat window, an icon called ‘Reservation Message’ will appear, and if you use this, it seems to be very convenient to use.

go out quietly
This is a function that allows you to quietly leave a group chat in a group Kakao chat room without an alarm saying “~ has left.”
I think it would be nice to use it when you want to disappear quietly without notifying your teammates.

How to know how many times your ex has viewed your KakaoTalk profile today Actually, the today widget is a function that can only check the number of visitors, but it is surprising that it can be used like this. If you use it well, new features that are very convenient have been added, so please use them well to help you in your daily life.

카톡 투데이

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