코끼리 꿈 Elephant Dream – Sharing Dreams – Storytelling

코끼리 꿈I dream of having another child. How should I view this dream? Let’s talk about it again, thinking it’s a dream I had when I was young. I don’t think there is any other comprehensive review of fairy tales. If I were to express my thoughts about this dream, I think it would be like appreciating a fairy tale.
13 years old, female
        I dreamed that I was rich. To a good home. A place where you can see the Han River right in front. But suddenly, several elephants appeared in the Han River. Surprised, I turned on the TV and saw that an elephant from the zoo had escaped and appeared in the Han River. Before we knew it, we had arrived at our house. But what was surprising was that the elephant did not destroy our house. I stayed in front of the bathroom for a moment and then went back. I was so shocked (scared) that I kept my eyes wide open in the dream. 
 After having that dream, I felt strange for some reason. I typed “elephant dream” on the internet and it said it was a good dream. It was nice to hear that it was a prenatal dream or a dream that would bring good luck. And he said it was a better dream because he didn’t destroy the house.
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코끼리 꿈
