쿠팡 와우 해지 How to cancel Coupang Rocket Wow – Immediately until monthly fee refund

쿠팡 와우 해지Coupang Rocket Wow is simply available on your mobile app or PC. It proceeds in a similar way, and those who are using the Coupang Rocket Wow free trial can also cancel it in the same way. In particular, for those who have been paid by automatic monthly payment, you can immediately refund the monthly membership fee if there is no usage history, so please cancel it to prevent unwanted expenses.

Check My Information Rocket Wow Membership

First, access the Coupang app. After accessing and logging in, please select a person shape. You can see your personal information. If you are a Coupang Wow member, you will see a Rocket Wow member at the bottom of your name. If you are listed as a Rocket Wow member, select your name to access Manage My Profile. At this time, you will see the Wow Membership button at the bottom.

Rocket Wow Cancel button

If you select the WoW Membership button, you can see the details of your previous use and the payment method you used when signing up. At this time, if you look down at the bottom, you can find the ‘Cancel’ button.

Last Benefit Confirmation and Cancellation

If you select the cancel button, you will be notified of the benefits that will now disappear along with a message that there is still a payment date left. If you decide to cancel, scroll down to the bottom and select Give Up My Benefits. If you press this button, even if there are still days left to use the Coupang WOW monthly membership fee, it will be canceled immediately.

Termination complete

If you choose to cancel, you will find a Cancel Immediately button at the bottom with a question asking if you want to cancel again. If you select the Cancel immediately button, the cancellation proceeds immediately. If the cost of Rocket Wow is automatically paid and you have never used it, you will see a notice that there is no use history and a full refund will be made automatically.

Monthly membership fee refund Immediate card cancellation

2900 won was canceled as a refund of the monthly membership fee paid. Recently, the price of Coupang Wow’s monthly membership fee has risen to 4900 won, so a refund will be made according to your amount. It may be slightly different for each credit card company, but as soon as I applied for cancellation, I received a text message confirming the cancellation.

If you paid the monthly membership fee and used it, you can’t cancel the refund, so it’s better to use it enough and cancel it. Also, if you have used Rocket Wow for a month as a free trial, you can cancel it in the same way, and no separate refund procedure will be conducted after cancellation. In particular, if you do not cancel before the end of the free trial period, automatic payment will be made from the next day.

Coupang Rocket Wow supports first-month free Rocket Wow benefits for first-time users, and there are many people who use the free benefits and have automatic payment after the free period expires. At this time, if you choose to cancel the monthly payment of Coupang Wow without panic, you can cancel on the same day and receive a refund, so please proceed with the cancellation procedure.

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