피부관리사 자격증 List of materials to be brought by 2022 skin beautician (cosmetologist certification) examinees

In the skin beautician exam, the materials provided and the materials the test taker must bring are differentiated. In particular, since there are a lot of ingredients to bring (about 50), you will need to check each one carefully to avoid making an unintentional mistake.



List of materials issued
No. Material Name Specification Unit Quantity Remarks
1 400~500ml hot wax 1 per 7 people
2 100 cotton pads 1 1 per 20 people

List of materials to be brought by the examinee
No. Name of tool brought Specification Unit Quantity Remarks
1 Short-sleeved sanitary uniform on top, long pants on bottom 1 All uniforms must be white
2 pairs of white slippers 1 indoor slippers only
3 masks white dog 1
4 Large taewol 100 x 180cm, white sheet 2 for bed, for model
5 Medium towel 65 x 130cm, white sheet 1
6 Small towels 35 x 80cm, 5 or more white sheets for wet and dry towels
7 Hair turban (turban) Velcro type dog 1 Pink or white
8 Female model gown and girl gown band (elastic band, Velcro) type standard (girl gown) suit 1 Pink or white
9 Clothing for male models Box-type shorts and short-sleeved T-shirt 1 Bottoms – beige or navy blue Top – white
1 pair of slippers for 10 models
11 Writing implements Ballpoint pen holder 1 black (colored – erasable pen not available)
12 alcohol and spray 1 serving per person
13 regular cotton balls, 1 cotton ball, usage per person
14 plastic bags, 1 small plastic bag each, for garbage disposal and storage of compresses (thick plastic bags)
15 Beauty cotton container 1 cotton pad
16 cotton swabs 1 per person
17 tissue containers 1 per person
18 cleansing brushes, 2 for pack, not for body
19 sponge set 1 usage per person
20 sparula 3 for cleansing and pack
21 bowls 3 cleansing, packs, etc.
22 Scissors Small dog 1 Eyebrow trimming, hair removal
23 Tweezers 1 Eyebrow grooming, hair removal
24 brushes 1
25 eyebrow knife safety razer dog 1 eyebrow grooming
26 Gauze Sheet 1 Eyebrow grooming
27 iPads and 2 gauze. Cotton pads available
28 wooden spatula 1 for hair removal
29 Non-woven fabric 7 x 20cm sheet 1 for hair removal
30 long pairs of latex 1 for hair removal
31 100ml paper cup 1 for hair removal 피부관리사 자격증
32 Storage container, cup type 2 Spatula, brush, etc.
33 Storage container with lid 2 Alcohol cotton pads, etc.
34 Spongy Ball Small Dog 1
35 baskets 2 organizing squares
36 tray (tray) small dog 1 for compress
37 enzymes 1 powder type 로이야 
38 Gomage Dog 1 Cream or gel type
39 AHA content less than 10% 1 Liquid type
40 scrubs 1 cream or gel type
41 pack cream type set 1 normal, dry, oily
42 Skin toner (lotion) 1 for all skin types
43 Cream, oil for manual technique 1 for all skin types
44 Talcum powder 1 piece for hair removal
45 Soothing lotion or gel 1 for hair removal
46 Nourishing cream 1 for all skin types
47 eye and lip creams 1 for all skin types (can be used in common)
48 Point Makeup Remover Eye, Lip 1 for all skin types
49 Cleansing products for face, etc. 1 for all skin types
50 medium-sized rubber balls 1 for mask
51 plaster mask powder type 1 per person
52 Rubber modeling mask powder type 1 usage per person
53 Base cream cream type 1 for plaster mask
54 Model name 1 Refer to model standard
※ Among the tools and materials mentioned in the open question and the items to be brought by the test taker, the test taker may bring additional materials and tools that he or she deems necessary for skin care work to the extent that they do not affect the work content required in other practical tests.

※ Towels can be of similar size.

피부관리사 자격증

※ Bring all cosmetics for all skin types except packs, masks, and deep cleansing products.

※ Baskets cannot be used if they are larger than the wagon size.

※ Non-woven fabric must be pre-cut to the specified length.

※ Model criteria: Must be a physically healthy male or female aged 14 years or older (based on year) and do not meet the conditions below

– People with skin diseases that are unsuitable for skin care, such as severely sensitive skin or people with severe pustular acne.

– People who have had plastic surgery (nose, eye, chin contouring, wrinkle removal, etc.) within 6 months

– Those with respiratory disease, sensitive skin, allergies, etc.

– Those who are pregnant

– Mentally ill people

※ The model accompanying the examinee must also bring an ID card. If the model does not bring an ID card designated by the corporation, the model cannot participate in the test.

※ You can also bring jelly shoes, Crocs shoes, and Velcro-type indoor shoes, etc., and will not be subject to deduction of points.

※ Female examinees must prepare a female model, male examinees must prepare a male model, and consent to the exposure required for the work must be obtained from the models in advance.

※ Among the examinee’s attire, points may be deducted if short-sleeved or long-sleeved T-shirts are exposed under the sanitary uniform.

※ Application period: From the first implementation of the regular practical examination in 2022



Tips for passing the exam
one. It is important to pass any exam the first time. Therefore, we would like to inform you that one way to avoid failure is to use famous places that we know well, such as Eduwill or Hackers. Where it is proven, there is a reason. Additionally, these large academies hold events almost 365 days a year, so please check carefully to see if they provide government subsidies, textbooks, discounts, or event books.

two. Get started right away. There is a huge difference between thinking about and researching about dieting and actually going on a diet. If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in taking the exam, so don’t delay and start now. ‘Ability to execute’ is the measure of passing and success. I wish you good luck!