하이패스 단말기 구입처 2 ways to register a Hi-Pass device (from purchase to registration) – News

하이패스 단말기 구입처If the Hi-Pass terminal is not registered, the Hi-Pass terminal does not recognize which vehicle it is, and the message “This is an unregistered terminal” appears.
Let’s start with the process of purchasing a Hi-Pass card.

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Before knowing how to register, there are a total of 4 high-pass terminal stores.
1. Online
2. Convenience store
3. Highway toll gate office
4. Credit card company (deferred payment)

👉 Prepaid Hi-Pass Cards can be purchased online, at convenience stores, or at tollgate offices.
👉 Inquire at your credit card company for a deferred payment Hi-Pass card.

There are two ways to register for Hi-Pass: regular registration and online registration.
In order to register a Hi-Pass terminal, you must first have a terminal. Terminals are divided into four types.
Room mirror terminal As an all-in-one terminal that combines a room mirror and a high-pass terminal, this terminal is provided as an option when purchasing a vehicle!
Self-registration terminal It is a terminal that customers can directly register by connecting the terminal and computer!
Handset for subsidies This is a handset that is distributed through social cooperation between potters and manufacturers for the happiness of the people!
Reduction Terminal This is a terminal that can be purchased (registered) only for holders of integrated welfare cards issued by Korea Expressway Corporation (target: disabled, veterans)!

You can purchase a terminal below, and if you have one, you can proceed to the next step.

For online registration, a terminal and USB cable are required.

1. After accessing the Hi-Pass website, click the ‘Register/Search’ button.

2. After registering as a member, download the Agent program and run it.

3. After connecting the terminal to the computer via USB, click the ‘Check terminal connection’ button.

4. After entering your vehicle information, proceed with vehicle registration confirmation.

5. Afterwards, proceed with mobile phone authentication and consent to receive information. The information entered here will inform you of the high pass non-payment notice.

6. Hi-Pass registration is complete. In order to apply the discount afterwards, you must visit the sales office with your identification card.

Hi-Pass terminal registration is available non-face-to-face, but Hi-Pass discount application is possible only when you visit the sales office.
You can visit the place where you purchased the terminal or the Hi-Pass Center near the highway toll booth with your ID card.
Today, we learned about how to register for High Pass.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. The free high-pass terminal is installed in the room mirror as standard. It is impossible to use without a Hi-Pass terminal. Hi-Pass receipts can be obtained from Hi-Pass unpaid bill inquiry.


하이패스 단말기 구입처
