햇살론카드 신청방법 Information on issuing Sunshine Loan cards and finding out who can apply

햇살론카드 신청방법It is also quite difficult to get a credit card.

The Sunshine Loan Card is a government-supported product that issues credit cards to low-credit individuals who have difficulty getting regular credit cards.

In this article, we will learn about the application qualifications and procedures for the Sunshine Loan Card, usage restrictions, and completion of Sunshine Loan education.

If you have had inconveniences in your life because it is difficult to get a credit card, please check the contents and receive the benefits.

Also, if you are looking into government-supported loans, it is recommended that you check the information at the link below.

Go directly to the Sunshine Loan application for workers

If you are a worker and have had difficulty raising funds due to a low credit score or income, please check out the Sunshine Loan product for workers and make sure to receive government-supported benefits. Anyone can apply if they are a worker.

Go directly to the Sunshine Loan Youth application

Also, if you are a young person, there is a Sunshine Loan Youth product that only young people can sign up for. Since the loan interest rate is quite good, I hope that young people will check it out and get a loan at a better interest rate.

The eligibility for the Sunshine Loan Card is as follows:

– Annual disposable income of 6 million won or more
– Credit score in the bottom 20% (KCB or NICE standard*) * 700 points by KCB, 749 points or less by NICE, and applied based on credit score criteria that are favorable to the user – Those who have completed the Sunshine Loan Card mandatory training

You must complete all 3 subjects of “Sunshine Loan Card mandatory training” on the Seogeumwon Financial Education Portal.

※ Access the Seogeumwon Financial Education Portal (https://edu.kinfa.or.kr) – Sign up – “Online training” – “Loan user training” – “Sunshine Loan Card” and complete the mandatory training (If completed, you can check the certificate of completion at “My Page” – “Online learning status” – “Completed training”)

The usage limit is,

Maximum monthly Up to 2 million won is supported, but it is said that the usage limit is given based on individual credit rating.

The card cannot be used for the items below, so if you are trying to get a card issued for the purposes below, we recommend using a different product.

It cannot be used for card-related loan products such as cash services, revolving services, and card loans.

It also cannot be used for entertainment businesses such as Danran bars or nightclubs, gambling businesses such as casinos and racetracks, golf courses, or when purchasing adult products.

I think it is a natural restriction since it is a government-supported project.

Only one card can be issued per person, and the installment period is up to 6 months.

It can also only be used domestically, and family cards and postpaid Hi-pass cannot be used.

To apply for a Haetsal Loan card, you must first apply for a guarantee through Seogeumwon. After completing the required training for Haetsal Loan, you can sign a guarantee agreement.

Click on the guarantee application image below to go to the Seogeumwon Haetsal Loan card page. Move.

You can apply for a card from 7 credit card companies.

Lotte, Woori, Hyundai, Kookmin, Shinhan, and Hana Card. If you click on the link below, you can access the card application link.

Since the annual fee and preferential benefits are different for each card company, please check carefully and apply for the card company that best suits you.

We have learned about the Sunshine Loan Card, a loan product for ordinary citizens.

Those who are having trouble with credit should definitely use the Sunshine Loan Card product as it is a government-supported project.

In addition to the Sunshine Loan Card product, there are also products supported by the government such as Sunshine Loan Youth, Worker Sunshine Loan, and Sunshine Loan 15,

so please check carefully, compare, and receive the benefits.

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