휴대폰 전화번호 백업 Moving your phone’s address book – It’s easy to back up your contacts! : Naver Blog

휴대폰 전화번호 백업hello. This is Nicezo. Recently, I transferred my address book when I changed my parents’ cell phone. Many people were at a loss! We will tell you how to quickly back up and transfer it at home.
What you need is your existing cell phone, a new cell phone to which you want to move the address book! And a PC or laptop. (It’s really simple~)… Now, let’s move the address book together. First, go to ‘Address Book’ on the old phone on the left. I go in.
Go to ‘Settings’ in your address book or contacts and click on Contacts!
Then, you will see ‘Import/Export Contacts’. Then, you will see three options as shown in the screen on the right. Click ‘Export to device storage’.
If you click the ‘Confirm’ button, you have received a backup of your address book.
Now, connect your existing smartphone to a PC or laptop, etc. (The existing smartphone used by my parents is a Galaxy A5.)
If you go into your smartphone
You will see a vCard file called ‘Contact’ like this. After copying that file to another place,
Connect the new mobile phone to your PC or laptop and prepare to transfer the address book (contacts).
As before, as soon as you enter the phone storage, move the copied ‘vCard file’… and then go to the phone’s address book.
Click ‘Import Contacts’ and select ‘Mobile Phone’ as the location to save the contacts!
As shown above, a pop-up saying that contacts are being imported will appear and the address book transfer will be completed within 5 seconds. iPhone has good software called ‘iTunes’. Android phones such as Samsung and LG phones are linked with ‘Google Account’ or ‘Samsung Account’. This can be solved, but I don’t use Google or Samsung accounts very often, so this is the best method for people like me who don’t link their accounts or parents who don’t create accounts.
Bye then~~~

We are Nicezo, an IT worker who only reviews products that we have personally used, tasted, and experienced.
Email: tmdcjfdl3@naver.com

휴대폰 전화번호 백업
