간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 16:8 singles? How and what types of intermittent fasting

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법Intermittent fasting is literally fasting for a certain period of time, then eating for the remaining time, and then fasting again for a certain amount of time. There are 12:12 singles, 16:8 singles, 20:4 singles, and 23:1 singles depending on the fasting time. I will explain the intermittent fasting method one by one.

There is a story about whether 12-hour fasting is fasting or just eating, but I will put it in intermittent fasting. It is a method of fasting for 12 hours and eating for 12 hours. It’s called 12:12 intermittent fasting, or 12-hour fasting.

For example, if you eat breakfast at 7:00 in the morning, have lunch at 12:00, and have dinner until 7:00 in the evening, then the fasting time is maintained for 12 hours, so it corresponds to 12:12 intermittent fasting.

Note that dinner must be finished by 7pm, not start at 7pm.

This method is recommended for those who are new to intermittent fasting, those who think intermittent fasting is too hungry, and beginners. It is a method that requires eating three full meals a day and not having snacks or late-night snacks in the evening, so you can take on the challenge without much resistance.

12:12 Intermittent fasting helps prevent obesity as it lowers insulin levels and does not lead to insulin resistance. However, depending on your constitution, if you are already overweight, you may be lacking a bit, so you need intermittent fasting to increase your fasting time.

It is a way of fasting for 16 hours a day and eating for the remaining 8 hours. For example, if you skip breakfast and start eating lunch at 12 noon and finish dinner at 8pm, you will eat for 8 hours and remain hungry for 16 hours.

If you often skip breakfast because you are busy in the morning, or if you have no appetite in the morning but force yourself to eat breakfast to eat three meals a day, 16:8 intermittent fasting can help you succeed.

The two meals do not have to be lunch and dinner. Depending on your lifestyle, you can use it for breakfast and lunch, or breakfast and afternoon meals. However, it is better to avoid finishing a meal just before bedtime if possible, and it is usually recommended to finish a meal 3-4 hours before bedtime.

A 16-hour fast is more beneficial than a 12-hour fast. If you lose weight, you will see more noticeable results.

It is a method of fasting for 20 hours of the day and eating only for 4 hours. They often eat two meals a day, or eat one meal and snack.

For those who have seen the effect of fasting through 16-hour fasting and are at a plateau, or if the effect of 16:8 intermittent fasting is insignificant due to high insulin resistance, it gives a definite effect. It is also called the ‘warrior diet’ because Spartan and Roman warriors ate only for 4 hours in the evening this way.

It is a method of fasting for 23 hours of the day and eating only for 1 hour. They often eat one meal a day. You can see the most powerful effect of intermittent fasting in 1 day. It is an intermittent fasting method that is highly effective for weight loss and autophagy.

Fasting for 23 hours and taking in the necessary nutrients for one meal. Fasting time and food intake time are important, but it is also important not to binge eat. If you starve for 23 hours and then binge eat with the thought that you can only eat one meal for an hour, it is not intermittent fasting, but rather binge eating.
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간헐적 단식 16:8 방법
