갤럭시 모바일 핫스팟 비밀번호 설정 How to use Galaxy Hotspot, set password

갤럭시 모바일 핫스팟 비밀번호 설정A wireless signal is created with the name and password specified in Galaxy, and other devices can use it by connecting to it through the Wi-Fi function. As for how to use Galaxy Hotspot, the amount of data consumed varies depending on the number of connected users and the type of work.

While the Galaxy Hotspot has the advantage of convenient use regardless of location, the disadvantage is that the speed of use is not satisfactory. Regardless of the specifications of the laptop, it is difficult to play games or high-capacity streaming that requires real-time information exchange.

How to Find Your Public Wi-Fi Location, Use It for Free

It seems that you can think of the work that is not inconvenient as the Internet search. This is a function worth using as a second-best solution when you cannot catch a fast Wi-Fi signal in your current location.

1. Go to the Connections tab in Galaxy Settings.

2. Tap the Mobile Hotspot & Tethering tab.

① Mobile Hotspot: Share Galaxy data via Wi-Fi signal
②Tethering: Share Galaxy data to only 1 USB-connected device

3. Activate and use the hotspot. Enter the Mobile Hotspot tab to set the name and password of the created Galaxy Hotspot.

4. The created Galaxy Hotspot name and password are displayed. Name and password settings can be changed by tapping the menu.

Setting a Galaxy Hotspot password prevents unauthorized devices from connecting, reducing data consumption and protecting privacy. We strongly recommend that you set this up.

5. Change the network name and set a password of 8 characters or more.

6. Connect and use the set Galaxy Hotspot to other devices.

The next time you use the set Galaxy Hotspot, you can run it by lowering the Galaxy top bar and tapping Mobile Hotspot.

The Galaxy Hotspot method can be used on other smartphones that support Wi-Fi regardless of the device. At this time, you can open the QR code by pressing the button at the top of the screen and scan the QR code with another smartphone to easily connect. end.

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갤럭시 모바일 핫스팟 비밀번호 설정
