건축물의 대지와 도로 Relationship between site and road (Building site&Road) – Building Regulations :: Fill

건축물의 대지와 도로condition of the road
Roads or planned roads with a width of 4m or more that allow pedestrian and car traffic
*Must be able to walk
Roads that have been notified of new establishment or change in accordance with laws such as the National Land Planning and Utilization Act
Roads whose location is designated by the mayor, the mayor of a metropolitan city, the mayor of a special self-governing city, a provincial governor, a mayor, a county head, or a district head at the time of building permission or building report
Scheduled road whose location is notified according to the city/gun management plan, etc.

Conditional Road – When it is difficult to install a road for vehicle traffic
Roads with a width of 3m or more within the section designated and announced by the Mayor of Special Self-Governing Province, the Governor of a Special Self-Governing Province, and the head of a Si/Gun/Gu
*Roads with a width of 2m or more in the case of dead-end roads less than 10m in length

Conditional Roads – For Dead End Roads
If the length of the dead-end road is less than 10 m, the width of the road is at least 2 m
If the length of the dead-end road is more than 10m and less than 35m, the width of the road is more than 3m
If the length of a dead-end road is 35m or more, the width of the road is 6m or more (4m or more in Eup/Myeon)

The principle of the length of the land in contact with the road
The site of the building must be in contact with the road (vehicle-only road) at least 2m
*If it is recognized that there is no obstacle to access to the building
* In the case of access to public notices that are prohibited from construction around buildings, such as plazas, parks, amusement parks, etc., and recognized as not impeding public traffic
*In the case of building a farmhouse in accordance with the Farmland Act

Reinforcement of the road where the land is in contact with the road
The site of a building with a total floor area of ​​2,000m2 or more must be in contact with a road with a width of 6m or more by 4m or more (factory 3,000m2 or more)

Road designation, abolition or change by the permitting authority
The permitting authority can designate, abolish, or change roads when applying Articles 11 (permission) and 14 (report) of the Building Act with the consent of interested parties.
If it is difficult to obtain the consent of interested parties when designating roads, the permitting authority can be designated after deliberation by the Building Committee.

designation of building lines
In principle, the building line is the boundary line between the site and the road.

Conditional construction line – In the case of road construction lines that do not meet the required width
When there is land on both sides of the road, a line retreated by a horizontal distance of 1/2 the required width from the center line of the road that is not reached
When there are slopes, rivers, railroads, and track sites on the opposite side of the road, a line obtained by retreating the horizontal distance required for the required width from the road boundary line on the side where the slopes, etc. are located

Building line at road corner

designated building line
Mayor of Special Self-Governing Province, Governor of Special Self-Governing Province, and Mayor/Gun/Gu head can separately determine the building line within the 4m range of the urban area.
Special Self-Governing City Mayors, Special Self-Governing Province Governors, and Si/Gun/Gu Heads must notify the details at least 30 days in advance if they wish to designate a building line separately.

building and fence
Must not exceed the vertical plane of the building line
*Except under the indicator

Doorway and window structure
Structures such as entrances and windows that are less than 4.5m in height from the road surface cannot cross the vertical plane of the building line when opening or closing.


knowledge, feelings, balance

건축물의 대지와 도로
