공동구매 항공권 예매방법(feat. 모두투어, 하나투어) How to reserve group tickets (feat. Mode Tour, Hana Tour)

Preparing for an overseas trip begins with purchasing an airline ticket!

Personally, I think there are various conditions for choosing a hotel, such as the area you are traveling in or the atmosphere, and it largely reflects your personal preferences, but I think that the right time and low price are the most important factors for choosing a flight.


공동구매 항공권

공동구매 항공권


So, let’s find out how to buy cheap airline tickets.


Let’s Go Pengsoo
Let’s find cheap flights and go!


The first method is to use a commonly used brokerage platform. Among various platforms, I only search and compare through Naver Flight Ticket and Skyscanner.


1. Naver flight ticket search | 👉https://flight.naver.com/


Naver Flight Ticket

The beginning of an exciting journey. With Naver flight tickets!


It is a portal site that many Koreans use, and although the price range is almost similar to Skyscanner, it is often cheaper with card benefits, so I always search for it at least once. Among the benefits, if you have a credit card, you can purchase it at a cheaper price, so check it carefully!


Naver flight ticket search results
Check the card benefits that are right for you


2. Skyscanner search | 👉https://www.skyscanner.co.kr/





Personally, among brokerage platforms, Skyscanner is convenient and is a site I like because it searches for cheap flights well. And when you can’t clearly select a travel destination, it’s nice to be able to easily search for a reasonable price for the current section by using a function like Search Anywhere below. (You can use the same function by selecting Naver Airline Ticket Anywhere.)


Skyscanner Search Anywhere
When you’re wondering where to go, search anywhere!

And when planning your travel itinerary, it’s nice to be able to easily see at a glance which season prices are rising the most. The same function may be provided by several brokerage platforms, but I personally feel that Skyscanner is the most convenient, so I continue to use it.


Check ticket prices by season with Skyscanner
You can check the expensive seasons by color at a glance

3. Check group purchase airline tickets (Modu Tour, Hana Tour, etc.)


Group purchase tickets, also known as group tickets, are when travel agencies sell seats that have been purchased and reserved in advance for products such as packages. Therefore, you can go to a travel agency to check. Please note that this is an airline ticket with a set arrival and departure schedule.


For example, if you go to the group purchase airline ticket page on the Mode Tour site, there are several countries you can travel to. I searched because I wanted to go to Phuket, and a Jin Air flight was confirmed for a nearby date. Then, shall we compare prices for the same flight on Jin Air’s official website, Skyscanner, and Naver tickets?



1) Modetour group purchase airline tickets

How to purchase Modetour group ticket
Modetour Group Purchase Flight Ticket to Phuket

2) Jin Air official website


The flight ticket was in the low 500,000 won range, but when I checked on the official website, it was in the low 700,000 won range. When purchasing from a public website, it seems that the special price seats are usually more expensive when purchased at the middle option price.


Purchase a flight ticket to Phuket on Jin Air’s official website
Jin Air official website Flight tickets to Phuket

3) Naver flight ticket (to Phuket)


Although it is a little cheaper than the official website, the price is still in the mid-600,000 won range.


Search results for Jin Air flights to Phuket on Naver Flights
Naver Flights to Phuket

4) Skyscanner flight ticket (to Phuket)


Skyscanner confirms that the price is around 600,000 won. Currently, group purchase tickets sold by Modetour are the cheapest way to purchase the same flight.


Search results for flights to Phuket using Skyscanner
Skyscanner Flights to Phuket

If you look for the cheapest airline tickets, including those from foreign airlines, you may get different results, but if you are looking for a cheaper way to travel via domestic airlines, purchasing a group ticket can be one option, so it would be good to refer to it.



4) Buying airline tickets through other websites, such as via website dotcom.


You can purchase airline tickets at a lower price by purchasing special airline tickets on sale as the deadline approaches.



5) Purchase of airline/platform promotional tickets


You can purchase special promotional tickets carried out by the airline itself. Alternatively, if you look at special airline ticket events held on platforms such as My Real Trip, Interpark, and Triple, they are sold at low prices. I had to set an alarm or the competition was so intense that I couldn’t even make a purchase. (In addition, it was not easy for K-office workers to keep up with their schedules at the time because it included a lot of weekday schedules…)

It would be a good idea to look for special prices through events held once in a while.



Everyone probably has their own travel style or tips. I have written some useful tips for purchasing cheap airline tickets today from the sun I know.