공동주택 공시가격 확인서 View published housing prices – Real Estate – Information by field – Yangju City Hall

공동주택 공시가격 확인서Yangju leaps forward with citizens

Yangju leaps forward with citizens

Yangju leaps forward with citizens

Yangju leaps forward with citizens

Yangju leaps forward with citizens

Yangju leaps forward with citizens
Information by sector
Announced price of individual housing
Based on the standard housing price announced annually by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, it is the price determined and announced by the mayor/county head through procedures such as investigation, calculation, verification, opinion hearing, and deliberation on January 1 of each year in accordance with the provisions of the 「Real Estate Price Publication Act」. *Housing price is the sum of the price of the building and the attached land.
Announced price of apartment house
In accordance with the provisions of the 「Real Estate Price Publication Act」, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport determines and announces the prices of apartment houses (apartments, townhouses, multi-household houses, etc.) on January 1 of each year, and can be viewed on the Real Estate Published Price Alert.
It is used as a standard for imposing local taxes on housing (property tax, acquisition tax, etc.), national taxes (capital gain tax, gift tax, inheritance tax, etc.) and others (health insurance premiums, basic pension, etc.).
How to submit opinions and objections to individual housing: Yangju City Hall Cleaning Division visit and fax FAX 0505-041-1932
Application fee: The fee is determined by ordinance (in the case of Yangju, the fee is 800 won)
Inquiries: Yangju City Hall Taxation Division Property Tax Team (031)8082-5524, 5526
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공동주택 공시가격 확인서
