공복혈당 정상수치 The reason why you shouldn’t believe your fasting blood sugar level is because of this.

공복혈당 정상수치


This document is a document that summarizes information about normal fasting blood sugar levels.If you are curious about the normal level of fasting blood sugar and related information, please refer to it.


The normal level of fasting blood sugar is also called the health level.Health levels refer to blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and cholesterol levels.This health figure is an essential factor in managing chronic diseases.In practice, clinical trials diagnose diseases and determine risk based on these figures.


As you know, fasting blood sugar levels refer to blood sugar among health levels.The standard we use when we test chenne’s blood sugar level is called the normal fasting blood sugar level.When we usually check blood sugar levels, we live in peace if it is within normal levels.


This is because I think it’s not dangerous if the figure is normal.There is something to be aware of.When determining blood sugar levels, don’t believe in normal fasting blood sugar levels.This is because you can’t be relieved that the figure is normal.


Of course, health care is hard and exhausting.Health care is not enjoyable.This is because the core of health care is to endure desire.It’s difficult and difficult, so it’s easy to believe in “normal numbers.”This is because it helps rationalize.


Please watch this article until the end and “suspicious” your fasting blood sugar level even a little.After that, if you have difficulty managing your blood sugar, please search for a website or food that helps you manage your blood sugar and get help.


Reasons to Not Believe in Hungry Blood Sugar Levels
Blood glucose tests are required every three years.
The American Diabetes Association recommends blood glucose testing for diabetes screening in all adults over the age of 45.If the test results are normal, you should be tested every three years.Even before the age of 45, it is recommended to take an annual allocation test if you have a risk factor for diabetes (obesity, high blood pressure, etc.).


If you usually weigh a lot or have high blood pressure, it is recommended to take a blood glucose test every year regardless of age.Once diabetes occurs, it’s late.It would be wise to do what you can before diabetes occurs.


normal fasting blood glucose level
The blood sugar level is determined based on the level measured after fasting for more than 8 hours.If blood sugar is 70 to 99ml after an empty stomach, normal levels are diagnosed, and if it is more than 126ml, diabetes is diagnosed.At this time, if fasting blood sugar is between 100 and 125ml, it can be classified as fasting blood sugar disorder.This is just before diabetes, and the risk of developing diabetes is very high.


fasting blood sugar level


Normal: Less than 100ml
Suspected fasting blood glucose disorder: less than 100ml to 125ml
Diabetes: 126ml or more

Reasons to not believe in normal fasting blood sugar levels
There’s something you need to know.Hungry blood sugar does not represent your blood sugar management status.Hungry blood sugar alone does not provide a proper understanding of the status of blood sugar.When determining diabetes, you need to check your blood sugar two hours after meals.


This is because fasting blood sugar is normal, but there are many cases where blood sugar exceeds the normal range after meals.If the fasting blood sugar was less than 100ml, and the blood sugar exceeds 200ml two hours after meals, this can be suspected of diabetes.


The normal range of blood sugar for 2 hours after meals is less than 140ml.If there is a large difference between fasting blood sugar and 2 hours after meals, a thorough examination is necessary.공복혈당 정상수치