구글서치콘솔 등록 Google Search Console (GSC) connection, registration, usage, and guide on how to select a representative domain

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To register a website in search engine webmaster tools such as Google Search Console and Naver Search Advisor, you must first select a representative domain.
There are a total of 4 domains as shown in the table below, and one domain must be selected among them.
For example, if your own domain is abc.com, the following combinations are possible:

The reason why you should select only one representative domain is that all traffic is collected and search engine optimization (SEO) is advantageous when you register and manage only one domain because search engines consider all domains as domains.
Then, how should I choose the representative domain among the 4 url ​​methods above?
The selection criteria are:
1/ If an SSL (Secure Socket Layer, https protocol) certificate is installed on the server, search engines give additional points for security, so it is recommended to select https:// with SSL applied unconditionally.
2/ Adding www to a domain is called a secondary subdomain. In addition to www, you can also host your website on multiple subdomains, such as blog.abc.com. From the search engine’s point of view, www. is also blog. It’s just a secondary subdomain like .
In the case of a new site, it is recommended to select one without the www as the representative domain.
In order to find out the representative URL of the website indexed by the search engine, the site in operation can be searched as follows to determine the representative domain.
For example, if you search for Oracle in Google, the search engine already recognizes the representative domain as https://www.oracle.com as shown below.

When you visit Google Webmaster Tools (Search Console), the following screen appears.
Note: You need a Google account to use Google Webmaster Tools.
Connection URL: https://search.google.com/search-console/about?hl=ko
1. Click the Get Started button.

2. When the guidance pop-up appears, click the Get Started button.
(For accounts that have already registered at least once, this process may be skipped.)
3. Click Attribute Search in the upper left corner, then click Add Attribute.

4. When Select Property Type appears, enter the main domain of your site in URL Prefix Method, and click Continue.
(In the case of the domain method on the left, it is a better method, but it is complicated and takes a long time because DNS settings must be possible. It is recommended to try it from a company that can set DNS.)

5.Select the HTML tag for the other verification method. When the meta tag below appears, copy it by dragging it with the mouse.

6. Put this value in the area of ​​your website. Usually, the head area of ​​a website starts after and puts it together in tags.
The image above is an image applied with Naver Google’s site Verification.
7. Click the OK button.

8. Ownership is confirmed after a while, all basic procedures are now complete.
Our search robots will collect your site and reflect it in search results within a few days.

Read a variety of additional articles on SEO.
1. Role of security server (SSL, HTTPS)
2. Relation between SEO and security server (SSL, HTTPS)
3. Case studies and statistics
4. Summary

1. Role of security server (SSL, HTTPS)
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1. The Role and Importance of Script Error Checking
2. Script error check for search engine optimization
3. Case studies and statistics
4. Summary

1. The Role and Importance of Script Error Checking
Script error checking is a script error check that can occur in a web page… more
1. The role and importance of HTML5
2. HTML5 Compliant for Search Engine Optimization
3. Case studies and statistics
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1. The role and importance of HTML5
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1. The Role and Importance of Favicon
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3. How to create a sitemap
4. Submit your sitemap
5. Benefits of sitemaps
6. Case studies and statistics
7. Conclusion

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1. Introduction

2. Google Structured Data

3. Naver structured data

4. The importance of structured data

5. How to implement structured data

6. Success case studies

7. Statistics and Conclusion

1. Introduction

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