국민연금 환급 Detailed information on national pension for overseas Koreans|Living Information Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Houston Dallas Branch

국민연금 환급ㅇ The payment of a lump sum refund by a foreign subscriber is 1) subject to the laws of the foreigner’s home country and to the citizens of the Republic of Korea.
2) In case of payment of salary equivalent to Korea’s lump sum return system 2) Korean and foreigners
It is paid only when a social security agreement regarding the payment of a lump sum refund has been concluded between the home country.
ㅇ Under the agreement, a lump sum refund is paid to Americans.
ㅇ The lump sum refund is a system that is paid only in cases where the pension requirements are not met.
Most countries require foreigners to sign up for a pension, so the reasons for pension payment are the same as for domestic citizens.
However, the lump sum return payment is restricted because it does not meet the purpose of social security.

2. Those who have moved abroad or lost their nationality may claim a lump sum refund due to their stay abroad.
What if I don’t have one?
ㅇ Overseas immigrants or people who have lost their nationality are unable to file a claim on their own due to staying abroad and use a representative to file a claim.
The method of appointment and request and required documents are as follows.
However, in case 1), a third party can also make a claim by proxy, and in case 2), only relatives can make the claim.
Claims are possible.
1) When the overseas diplomatic mission confirms the intention to claim the lump sum refund on behalf of the applicant
– Request for lump sum refund payment (substitute claim in the proxy claim section of the lump sum refund payment claim form)
Fill in the details and seal the head of the embassy or consulate)
⇒ Even if it is not entered in the proxy claim section of the lump sum refund payment claim form, the agency relationship is
A proxy claim is recognized if there is a power of attorney from the beneficiary and confirmation from the head of the institution.
– Documents confirming overseas emigration or loss of nationality
Overseas immigrants: A copy of PR passport or permanent resident card and a copy of the register of nationals residing abroad
(For permanent residency, excluding conditional and temporary permanent residency)
Person who has lost nationality: One of the documents proving loss of nationality, such as a copy of family register, copy of citizenship certificate, etc.
Copy of passport issued by country of nationality acquisition
– For overseas immigrants, documents confirming the date of departure are required (certificate of entry and exit, departure stamp in passport, etc.)
– Representative ID card
– Copy of agent’s bankbook (can be replaced by presenting account number)
2) When arbitrarily delegating to a family member without confirmation from the diplomatic mission abroad
– In this case, the scope of relatives who can file a claim on behalf of others includes spouse, lineal descendants, siblings, spouse’s parents,
A direct descendant of a spouse or a spouse’s siblings.
– Request for lump sum refund payment
– Handwritten power of attorney from beneficiary
(Contents of salary delegation must be clearly stated and submitted along with the airmail envelope in which the power of attorney was received)
– Documents confirming overseas emigration or loss of nationality
Overseas immigrants: A copy of PR passport or permanent resident card and a copy of the Overseas Korean National Register
(For permanent residency, excluding conditional and temporary permanent residency)
Person who has lost nationality: One of the documents proving loss of nationality, such as a copy of family register, copy of citizenship certificate, etc.
Copy of passport issued by country of nationality acquisition
– For overseas immigrants, documents confirming the date of departure are required (certificate of entry and exit, departure stamp in passport, etc.)
– Copy of family register to confirm kinship, etc.
– Representative ID card
– Copy of agent’s bankbook (can be replaced by presenting account number)

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