귀리 효능 13 Oat Efficacy and Side Effects

귀리 효능

귀리 효능
귀리 효능

Let’s look at the 13 benefits and side effects of oats. Oats can be a quick solution to hunger, a light, voluminous evening snack, and a breakfast that can be eaten easily in a busy morning. Protein-rich, fiber-rich and low-fat oats are designed to raise energy levels and lead a healthy lifestyle.

oat efficacy

Oats, one of the world’s top 10 superfoods, are so high in protein and so high in essential amino acids that they’re nicknamed the king of grains, and they’re even more popular because famous celebrities are looking for them when they’re on a diet.


Not only is it good for your diet, but oats are a nutritious health food, and that’s why they’re in Time magazine’s top 10 superfoods, and oatmeal, which we know well, is made from oats.

oat efficacy

Oats are plain, sweet, and rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids. Oats are rich in nutrients such as proteins and vitamins compared to other grains, so they are a very good substitute for meals. Let’s take a look at 13 kinds of oat efficacy and side effects in earnest.

oat efficacy


Oat Efficacy 1 – Prevention of constipation

Fiber-rich oats have an excellent effect in preventing constipation, and beta-glucan in oats is known to remove irritation and intestinal waste. One study found that most people who consumed oats daily for two weeks had improved bowel health.

Oat Efficacy 2 – Improve asthma

Oats are particularly effective for people suffering from bronchitis and coughing, and studies have shown that increasing the intake of whole grains such as oats reduces children’s risk of asthma by 50 percent. In particular, studies have shown that eating oats with fish reduces the risk of asthma by 50% and reduces the risk of narrowing bronchial respiratory tract by 80%.

oat efficacy

Oat Efficacy 3 – Skin Improvement

Because oats are effective in relieving inflammation, inflammation such as dermatitis can be improved when consumed, and at the same time, it can be used on the skin to improve the skin. When you take a shower, you can use oats as a scrub or for cleansing. If you apply it to your skin in lukewarm water, it will improve sensitive and itchy skin like atopy. If you have whole oats, you can expect the effect of improving your skin by crushing them into small pieces and mixing them with water.

Oat Efficacy 4 – Cardiovascular Health

Beta-glucan and fiber in oats reduce bad cholesterol levels and eliminate waste accumulated in the blood vessels to facilitate blood circulation and prevent various vascular diseases. Magnesium in oats also regulates blood pressure, and potassium helps blood vessels to become healthier by releasing sodium that increases blood pressure.


Oat Efficacy 5 – Bone Health

Oats are rich in calcium that strengthens the bones, which is effective for growing children and promotes the formation of bones and cartilage. It has a good effect on strengthening the skeleton for elderly people with weak bones.

oat efficacy

Efficacy of oats 6 – Improved diabetes

Dietary fiber, which is abundant in oats, and beta-glucan, a natural insulin, limit the rapid rise in blood sugar and increase the secretion of insulin needed to control blood sugar. If you have diabetes, it would be helpful if you regularly consume oats.

Oat Efficacy 7 – Glucose Control

Starch is the largest component of oats, and it differs from other grains in that 7% of the starch in oats breaks down quickly and is absorbed by glucose, 20% is absorbed slowly, and 25% goes down to the intestines and serves to provide intestinal beneficial bacteria.


In particular, beta-glucan, a type of oat polysaccharide, lowers blood cholesterol and helps control blood sugar by preventing sugar from being absorbed quickly into the body when food is consumed. Therefore, if you eat oats instead of other grains, you can expect cholesterol reduction and diabetes prevention.

Oat Efficacy 8 – Weight Control

Oatmeal products processed with oats are consumed a lot for breakfast overseas because oatmeal gives you a long-lasting feeling of fullness, and beta-glucan is a water-soluble fiber that also promotes the release of hormones that make you feel full.

oat efficacy

Therefore, oats are good for breakfast because they gradually increase sugar and are good for blood sugar control, as well as long satiety, lowering appetite, reducing other snack intake before lunch, and eating moderate amounts for lunch. This lowers the calories of the whole diet, and the calories of the oats themselves are not high, which helps weight control and is a good food for people who diet.

Oat Efficacy 9 – Prevention of Osteoporosis

Oats are rich in calcium, which is about four times richer than brown rice. Bone density decreases with age. Eating oats rich in calcium can help prevent osteoporosis.

oat efficacy

Oat Efficacy 10 – Women’s Health Disease

Vitamin B, which is rich in oats, is an essential vitamin that plays an important role in our body’s cell metabolism. Vitamin B9 folic acid also helps the production of red blood cells to prevent anemia symptoms and smooth hormone secretion to alleviate depression. And eating oats steadily helps prevent women’s diseases such as breast cancer and cervical cancer.


Oat Efficacy 11 – Cholesterol Reduction

The only ingredient in oats that other grains don’t have is abenanthramide, which is an antioxidant polyphenol compound that has a higher antioxidant effect than other phenolic compounds, so it changes the harmful free radicals in your body to be harmless. Especially, cholesterol and fat are wrapped in blood vessels to prevent narrowing of blood vessels, preventing arteriosclerosis, oats are effective in preventing cardiovascular disease.

oat efficacy

Oat Efficacy 12 – Brain Health

Several studies have shown that oats can improve memory and prevent dementia. In one study, students who eat cereal for breakfast and those who eat oats had higher spatial memory compared to students who eat oats. In addition, animal studies in other studies have found that antioxidants in oats are effective not only in relieving inflammation but also in preventing dementia.

Oat Efficacy 13 – Inflammation Relief

Alpha-tocotrienol in oats is one of the antioxidants that has better antioxidant properties than other antioxidants and has the effect of relieving inflammation and inhibiting the production of tumor cells in the body. Therefore, you can expect anti-inflammatory effects when you eat fresh oats.

How to Eat Oats


oat cereal

When you eat it as cereal, it is savory if you fry it lightly in a dry pan. It is easy to sprinkle it on yogurt. It is good to mix it with hot water or milk. Especially when you eat it with milk, it balances nutrients. Oatmeal milk, oatmeal smoothies, oatmeal cookies, nut bars, oat scones, and so on.

oat efficacy

oat rice

When you cook rice, the ratio of rice to oats is about 7: 3. Wash it with rice, soak it for about an hour, and add a little more water than usual. When you cook oat rice with brown rice, you can make the amount of water as usual. If you add a drop of vinegar when soaking oats, it will soften quickly.

How to Choose Oats


They look for still cuts or rolled oats that are certified gluten-free and do not contain flavorings, sweeteners, or preservatives; these types of oats take slightly longer to cook, but are less processed and retain texture, so they can be used in a variety of dishes.

oat efficacy

Oat flour can raise blood sugar levels faster, and oat bran has a very high fiber content due to its husk and can generally be consumed in small amounts, and like other types of oatmeal, it does not contain gluten, but there is a risk of wheat, rye or barley being mixed during the manufacturing process.

oat side effect

When buying oats, it is better to buy less processed ones that are richer in nutrients. If you eat too much oats because it is good for your health, diarrhea, abdominal pain and abdominal bloating may occur.

oat efficacy

And because oats contain purines, uric acid can cause kidney stones, so it would be helpful to eat them with vitamin-rich foods.And oats have a function to promote childbirth. If you have experience of addictive miscarriage, it is better not to eat it. I will finish writing about 13 kinds of oat efficacy and side effects. Have a good day.