근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 we learned how to issue a wage and salary withholding tax receipt

hello. In this lesson, we will learn how to issue a wage and salary withholding tax receipt. Even if you do not visit a government office in person, you can easily obtain it for free through the Internet.

Earned Income Withholding Receipt-Issuance-Method-Title-Image 근로소득원천징수영수증 발급
How to issue a wage and salary income withholding tax receipt

What is withholding tax?
Withholding tax is a system in which an individual or corporation that pays income deducts the tax payable by the person receiving the income in advance and pays it instead. In the case of an employee, tax is deducted when receiving salary, and the amount deducted at this time can be regarded as the amount withheld. Income subject to withholding tax includes, in addition to wage and salary income, first-class retirement income such as interest income, dividend income, and retirement benefits, other income of a temporary nature such as prize money or lecture fees, business income subject to withholding tax, and service charges from food and lodging establishments. .

What is earned income withholding tax receipt?
The wage and salary withholding tax receipt, which we will be discussing in this time, is a receipt indicating the details of withholding tax on wage and salary income among the income subject to withholding mentioned above. It is used for various tasks such as year-end settlement, bankbook opening, loan, and government office work.

How to issue a wage and salary income withholding tax receipt 쉬운남자
Hometax homepage simple authentication login
Earned income withholding tax receipts can be issued through the Hometax website. Click the [Login] button at the top of the Hometax homepage to access the login page. On the login page, select the [Simple Authentication (Private Certificate)] tab and click the [Simple Authentication] button in the center of the page.

https://www.hometax.go.kr근로소득원천징수영수증 발급

Hometax-From website-Simple authentication-Login-trying-image
Hometax homepage simple authentication login attempt
Select ‘KakaoTalk’ in the simple authentication window, enter the name, date of birth, and mobile phone number required for authentication, confirm the agreement to use the service, and click the [Request Authentication] button. I am showing you a simple authentication method using KakaoTalk, but you can perform login authentication in a method that is convenient for each.

Image of performing simple authentication-using KakaoTalk
Simple authentication using KakaoTalk
If you perform KakaoTalk simple authentication, you will be taken to the window below when you click the [Request Authentication] button. When authentication is completed using KakaoTalk, click the [Verification Complete] button at the bottom of the simple authentication window.

Easy Authentication-Perform-Post-Authentication-Complete-Image
After performing simple authentication, authentication is completed

Access My Hometax page
After completing Hometax login, click the [My Hometax] button marked in red in the upper left corner. Select the [Year-end settlement/payment statement] tab from the menu at the bottom left of the My Hometax page, and then click the [Submission details such as payment statement] button. If you hover your mouse over the button, you will see a notice saying, ‘You can check the details of the payment statement such as wage and salary income submitted by the withholding agent.’

Payment statement-etc-submission details-menu-access-image
May is global income tax return month. Some people make it simple to file a global income tax return, but I think there are many people who leave it to a tax accountant.

​Today, we will look at how to issue a wage and salary income withholding tax receipt while filing a global income tax return. Current and former employers!

​Withholding tax is a system in which the withholding agent, who pays the income subject to withholding tax, collects the tax from the income earner in advance and pays it to the government instead of directly paying the tax.

​As you are well aware, even if you are an individual, you are a withholding agent and have an obligation to report, pay, and submit a statement of payment of withholding tax.

​Let’s take a look at how to issue a wage and salary income withholding tax receipt using Hometax in earnest.

​First, go to Hometax and then log in. These days, it is very convenient to log in through simple authentication, so there is no need to log in with an ID.

​When you access the payment details page, such as payment statement, you can check the payment statement details by type of attribution year as shown in the figure below. The statement of payment here refers to the same document as the withholding tax receipt. Click the [View] button of the document you want to issue.

Confirmation of submission details such as payment statement Issuance of withholding tax receipt for earned income
You can check the contents of the wage and salary income withholding tax receipt on the screen as shown in the figure below, and you can print it out and issue it using a printer. In addition, the service for issuing income tax withholding receipts cannot be used after 12:00 pm (24:00), so it is recommended not to use it late at night.

Completion of issuance of wage and salary income withholding tax receipt
Hometax service operating hours
The operating hours according to the type of Hometax service are as follows, please refer to the related services.

Hometax service operating hours
This time, we learned how to issue a wage and salary withholding tax receipt through the Hometax website. I hope that today’s article will be of great help to you in issuing your wage and salary income withholding tax receipt.