꽃말 모음 총정리 Comprehensive collection of flower language

Today we are going to learn about a collection of sad flower language.

꽃말 모음

꽃말 모음

If you know the meaning of flowers when giving them as a gift, I think your feelings will be doubled.


On good days, use flowers with a good meaning, and on sad days, use flowers with a sad meaning.


If you gift it appropriately, I think your consideration for the other person will be doubled.


If you didn’t know anything and just gave a flower that was pretty in appearance,


If it’s a flower that doesn’t have the right meaning, I feel very embarrassed and ashamed just thinking about it.


So today, to reduce such incidents, I have prepared a collection of sad flower language.


I hope you take a look and find it helpful. So let’s get started.



< Collection of various sad flower language >


Let’s take a look at various flowers and their meanings in this collection of sad flower language.



1. Marigold


The flower language of marigold is disappointment, sadness, and grief.

It means the sadness of parting, and also has the meaning of grief, disappointment, and regret.

It has the characteristic of closing its petals even when it gets a little dark, and quickly opening them when warm sunlight hits it.



2. Morning glory


The flower language of morning glory is vain love, fleeting love.

This flower is given this name because it is a flower that blooms and fades every day from early summer to early fall.

The good news is that morning glories are plants that need to be grown in pots, so they are not often given as gifts in bouquets.



3. Pasqueflower


The flower language of pasqueflower is sad memories and sadness.

Although it is a popular wild flower, its meaning is sad.

As you can see, this flower was named so because the white hairs on the fruit resemble a grandmother’s head.

Sometimes, it has the meaning of love or loyalty, but it is usually used to mean sadness.



4. Magnolia


This is a flower that I was debating whether or not to include in my collection of sad flower language.

Still, I thought it would be good for you to know, so I included it.

The flower language of magnolia means nobility, friendship, natural harmony, and noble spirit.

The flower also has the meaning of mercy and unfulfilled love.

In Korea, it is commonly used as a flower language meaning mercy and grace.

In the West, the flower has the meaning of unrequited love.

Many people like it because it is a beautiful white and neat flower.

It would be a good idea to think more carefully when giving a gift to your lover.



5. Yellow chrysanthemum


Chrysanthemum flowers usually connote peace, fidelity, and wisdom.

In the case of white chrysanthemums, they represent gratitude, sincerity, and truth.

Red chrysanthemums have the meaning of I love you.


Yellow chrysanthemums have flower meanings of disappointment, unrequited love, and sadness.

Therefore, when giving chrysanthemum flowers as a gift, it would be a good idea to choose the color carefully and choose one that suits the situation.



6. Allium


The 6th in the collection of sad flower language is Allium, a flower that is loved in bouquets because it is pretty just to look at.

However, the flower has the meaning of a distant heart, infinite and eternal sadness.

There are many varieties developed for flower use due to their beautiful colors and shapes.

The flower stems can be bent freely, so they are often used for flower arrangements.



7. Similarization


As many of you know, Sanghwa is often found in collections of sad flower language.

The flower language means love that cannot come true.

The reason is that the leaves and flowers cannot meet, and that sadness is expressed in the language of flowers.

It is truly a sad flower of love.



8. Zinnia


The 8th in the collection of sad flower language is zinnia.

Zinnia has the flower meaning of mourning a friend who has passed away, or missing someone who has passed away.

It was named zinnia because it is a flower that blooms for 100 days.

It is commonly known as ‘leaving’, ‘mourning a dead friend’, and ‘meaning that the relationship has come to an end’.



9. Mulberry Flowers


Unlike the name of the flower, the mulberry flower has a very sad flower language.

A love that couldn’t be achieved, a love you but you have no choice but to break up with, let’s meet in the next life.

It can be interpreted as meaning.



10. Anemone flower


Anemone flowers have different meanings depending on their color.

Below we will find out which colors belong to the sad flower language collection.


Typically, the language of anemone flowers is betrayal or helpless love.

It has the meaning of the suffering of love, a love that cannot be achieved.


However, white anemone flowers also symbolize hope and expectation.

The red anemone means I love you.

In the case of purple, the flower language means that it trusts and waits for you.


However, regardless of the color, it is not a flower with a good meaning, so I would not recommend it as a gift.



11. Hydrangea flowers


The language of hydrangea flowers is capricious, cool, and a maiden’s dream.

Additionally, it also means a flirt.

This flower is loved by many women because of its pretty pastel colors.

When it first blooms, the purple color changes to light blue and pink over time, becoming more gorgeous.

However, since the flower language does not have a good meaning, I would like to recommend that you avoid it as a gift.



12. Forget-me-not


When it comes to sad flower languages, it would be no exaggeration to say that it is the most well-known flower.

Many people know the meaning of the forget-me-not flower: Don’t forget me.

The flower language says, “Please remember me.”

There is also a flower language called true love.

It is a flower that contains the soul of a young man who died while trying to offer flowers to his loved one.



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This is a collection of sad flower language.


There are many other types of flowers, but I have summarized them as follows,


I don’t know how much it helped.


If you have any plans to give flowers as a gift in the future, take a look at the collection of sad flower words I wrote.


How about giving a gift that suits the situation?