내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴 How to check the site I joined as a member and withdraw from the site I joined

내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴
You can view your personal information (resident registration number, i-PIN, mobile phone) for free through a site operated by a national government agency without charge. You can also check the membership withdrawal application and processing results.

The procedure is simple, so if you take 10 minutes of your time, you can check the sites you forgot to sign up for and check the personal information used. So, it is also an opportunity to prevent various damages using personal information in advance.

It is operated by ‘Internet Promotion Agency’ and ‘Personal Information Protection Committee’. This service is safe to use (www.eprivacy.go.kr)

When signing up for the site, there are cases where you sign up without personal information, but in most cases, you sign up using your social security number, i-pin, or mobile phone number.

So, it seems that the service name is ‘identification history search’ in accordance with the operational purpose and purpose.

1. Click the left blue box on the main screen.

2. You need to agree to the use of personal information for service use.

3. Select an authentication method for identity verification. However, you must authenticate with your ‘mobile phone’ to check the information you have signed up for with your mobile phone number. In addition, you can search with the number currently being used on your mobile phone.

4. Enter user information (name, social security number).

5. The search results are different for each certification authority, so be sure to click each and check the results below. You can also check which site it is by clicking the website (URL).

※  Because the search results are different depending on the authentication method (resident registration number, i-PIN, mobile phone), click the tab for each authentication method to confirm.

6. The processing method differs depending on the site type in the history search results. In other words, sites that are likely to have disadvantages such as points expiry are told to go to the site and proceed with withdrawal.

※ You can also check the withdrawal process result at once.

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내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴
