동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number and print animal registration certificate

동물등록번호 조회방법Animal registration is a system created to protect animals by assigning numbers to target animals and registering and managing information about those numbers to prevent loss and abandonment. Failure to register will result in a fine, and animals that are at least 2 months old and raised in a house or semi-household or for companion purposes in other places are designated as animals subject to registration.

1. Access the Animal Protection Management System website.
2. Enter your resident registration number through [Edit Member Information].
3. Find [Change Registered Animal Information/Print Registration Certificate] on the website.
4. You can enter the number and print the animal registration certificate on the Registered Animal (Change) Information screen.

I will leave the link below. https://www.animal.go.kr
Animal Protection Management System
Animal Protection Counseling Center 1577-0954 System Inquiry 054-810-8627 Consultation Hours: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00

It may be difficult to explain in words, so I will add pictures and explanations.

First, access the [Animal Protection Management System] homepage and log in. Then, go to [MYPage] and find [Edit Member Information].

Enter your resident registration number here.

Then, return to the homepage and access [Change Registered Animal Information/Print Registration Certificate].

You can check the animal registration number on the screen and also print the animal registration certificate.

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동물등록번호 조회방법
