동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

The animal registration system has been mandatory nationwide since January 1, 2014. Animal registration numbers are issued to animals subject to registration. Animals subject to registration are dogs (puppies) that are 2 months or older, regardless of whether they are in the countryside or the city, and are kept in houses or semi-houses or for companion purposes. Failure to register an animal subject to registration will result in a fine of up to 1 million won.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

Please check the information below for information on how to search and register dog and cat animal registration numbers.

Guide to animal registration methods and procedures
Guide to animal registration methods
There are two ways to register animals subject to registration. Please refer to the table below.

Description of animal registration methods
Internal microchip insertion – Method of registering by inserting a wireless identification device into the body of the companion animal
External wireless identification device attachment – Method of registering by attaching a wireless identification device to the outside of the companion animal
💡 Are internal microchips safe? Animal Registration Procedure
For initial registration, you must visit the animal registration agency and visit with your animal.
In some areas, registration is only possible through an agency according to local government ordinances, so if you wish to register at a city, county, or district office, you must check in advance whether it is possible.
If the registration applicant does not visit in person and a proxy applies, there may be necessary documents such as a power of attorney and a copy of an ID card, so please contact the registration agency in advance to check and prepare the necessary documents.

Animal Registration Guide
When registering an animal through a registration agency (designated animal hospital), you can register by following the procedures below.

Animal Registration Guide

☑You can check the registration agency by clicking the button below.

🔎 Find a registration agency

※ Animal registration is processed by a designated agency in the city/province and city/county/district according to the Animal Protection Act, and implantation of embedded wireless identification devices is only performed by a veterinarian.

Animal registration number inquiry guide

You can easily and quickly check whether an animal has been registered using the animal registration number and owner information.

Enter owner or co-owner
Enter registration number or RFID
🔎 Check registration

☑For detailed animal registration information, please use the animal registration information search.

🔎 Check animal registration information

※ Login or simple authentication is required to check animal registration information.