만세력 보는법 How to read the fortune telling of all forces. View my fortune telling.

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Everyone is bound to wonder about themselves. I often want to know what kind of impression I make on the people around me, and what food or color goes well with me. Also, when you meet someone, you may feel attracted or rejected for no reason.

The fortune teller of all forces

You can find out how all of these things are connected to you by reading the Manpower Calendar. Also, through this, I can naturally understand what kind of being I was born with. These days, you can easily check your fortune on the Internet.

The Manpower Calendar is a measurement chart that shows how the energy of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements is influencing each person by looking at their fortunes. Here, Saju refers to the four pillars that make up the year/month/day/hour of a person’s birth, and the eight letters of each pillar, made up of two letters, are called Palja. So these two combined are called Four Pillars of Life.

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These four pillars are made up of the five energy energies of Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday, Friday and Water, which have different yin and yang like women and men. Depending on how these energies are mixed, you can check your personality and when you are lucky or bad during your life.

Address for accessing the Manpower Inc. website

However, it is difficult to learn the method of reading the fortune-telling calendar on your own because not only the terminology used but also the process of interpretation is difficult. In this case, you can use a method to automatically solve fortune telling by installing a related site or app.

Site to view the fortune teller’s fortune

Among them, you can also use a service to view the fortune telling on a site called Fortune Notebook. You can easily access it by searching on each portal.

View the Manpower Saju Place of Birth

When you access the site, you will see an input window at the top of the first screen where you can view the fortune telling in the Manpower calendar. Just select your date of birth, hour/minute, solar/lunar calendar, gender, place of birth, etc. and press the calendar button.

The result of the Manpower fortune telling

Then, based on the criteria set above, you can check the results of the Manpower Calendar Four Pillars as shown above. Additionally, at the bottom of the results screen, there are separate items for viewing the momentum flow chart and distribution.

Four weeks play momentum flow chart

In this way, the purpose of the universal calendar is to see great fortune. It is said that just as the date and time of birth are different for each person, the timing of good luck is also different.

Four weeks of fortune telling

This type of luck refers to luck that changes every 10 years. The luck that makes you suddenly hit the jackpot doesn’t come your way; it just changes every 10 years.

See more basics of Saju

However, if you are using it for the first time, there is no way to know how to interpret it, starting with the related terms. For these people, there is a bulletin board here where you can build the basics of fortune telling, so it would be a good idea to take a look.

Four weeks basic list

On this bulletin board, you can find explanations of each term, starting with how to read the fortune teller. It also provides basic theories such as how to make a name, how to correct the eight characters, and how to determine compatibility, so you can get help with your understanding.
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