I made a reservation after seeing the Seoul Weekly.
Weekdays were already closed and only Saturday, April 13th was available, so I booked quickly.
Since I failed last year
I’m just grateful for the success of the reservation…
It’s the most famous cathedral in Korea
Everyone knows it, but…
After listening to the explanation, I feel like I didn’t know anything.
I will apply for the second half of the year.
You need to bring your own earphones.
The explanation began while looking at Myeongdong Cathedral.
A brief history of Catholicism, the story of when Myeongdong Cathedral was built, and the overall shape of the building (Latin cross).
Bronze Main Gate
The bronze main gate – This piece shows the history of the Catholic Church in Korea, starting with Father Order Mo, the first priest to celebrate Mass in Korea, and his disciple, Jeong Weakjong, the president of the Myeongdohoe, a lay organization.
Missionaries in Sangbok (angel wings). Believers taking refuge, looking at St. Mother and Jesus. Ancestors recognizing each other as believers by drawing a cross on the bottom of an earthenware pot….
Too much to contemplate to pass up…
Ribbed Gungryung
You can also see the pointed apse arch at the top. Today’s commentator, Fr. Ignatius Gu
Stained glass commemorating the 44th World Eucharistic Congress. Lee Nam-gyu
Doyou crosses (12 symbolizing the twelve apostles or 4 symbolizing the four Gospels)
Rose window. The eight petals represent the new world. Sabbath after the creation of heaven and earth on the 6th day, and the new world on the 8th day. It is said to symbolize Jesus’ resurrection on the eighth day after entering Jerusalem. It also looks like a fish, which means Ictus, or Jesus.
The GESTA workshop mark on the bottom. It is believed to have been made at the Gesta workshop in Toulouse, France, and the stained glass is signed by the artist Lee Nam-gyu.
St. Francis Window
A statue of St. Francis under a rose window. Bishop Blanc gave St. Francis a light bulb when the church was having trouble being built. He vowed to erect a statue of the saint once the church was built safely.
Rosario Fifteenth Stained Glass / 14 Apostles. Eleven apostles except Judas, plus Matthias, Paul, and Barnabas.
The enclosure to the left of the umbilical cord – where he used to climb up the wooden stairs to deliver his homilies when there was no microphone, but the lower part was demolished and only the upper part remains.
Appropriation. The faces of the 14 apostles are said to have been painted to resemble the faces of missionaries at the time.
Jesus and the 12 Apostles. This historic glass painting was installed for the blessing of Myeongdong Cathedral in 1898.
79th Bokjahwa & The Birth of Baby Jesus and the Adoration of the Magi
79th Bokjahwa
Myeongnyebang Catholic Church
St. John the Baptist
Kim Bum-woo Thomas
Statue of St. Dae Gun Andrea
Lee Seung Hoon Peter
Jesus condemned to death.
St. Dae Gun Andrea
We also went into the Seonghae crypt of the underground cathedral.
We also saw the statue of Our Lady of the Sea, the Star of the Sea.
Kost Hall – Myeongdong University Cathedral was designed by Frenchman Father Kost of the Church of the Evangelization of Paris and built with the financial generosity of the French people.