미소금융 창업대출 Start-up loan system for prospective CEOs

미소금융 창업대출※This content was written as of Friday, November 11th.

Microfinance products include start-up funds for prospective business owners.
After starting a business, it is divided into operating funds, facility improvement funds, and emergency livelihood funds.

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The loan limit for youth-only start-up funds is a maximum of 100 million won, and a fixed interest rate of 2% per year is applied. The loan period varies as follows depending on whether the funds borrowed are facility funds or working funds.

To apply for youth-only start-up funds, you must complete a self-diagnosis through the website (direct link) and then proceed with prior consultation with the Corporation.
The application date for prior consultation varies depending on the region.
For loans in January 2023, the consultation reception date has not yet been announced.

However, based on the previous consultation reception date
Consultation applications are expected to begin at the end of December.

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If you have completed entrepreneurship training and consulting from the government and local governments, you can also apply for a loan if you are currently preparing or in the process of starting a business. The Sunshine Loan loan limit is 5 years, there is no early repayment fee, and the guarantee fee is 1.0% per year of the loan amount. It is within %. The total loan period is 5 years (4 years for repayment, 1 year for deferral), and the principal is repaid in equal installments. The business Sunshine Loan startup fund is linked to Nonghyup, Credit Union, Fisheries Cooperative, Korea Federation of Savings Banks, etc. To receive a loan, a copy of resident registration is required. , you can contact the bank trust corporation or the local credit guarantee foundation with business confirmation documents.

If you are the owner of a store, you can receive a loan for business operation funds up to a limit of 20 million won according to the Sunshine Loan small business evaluation table. 👉 Check the loan limit The loan period, repayment method, deposit fee, and application method are the same as for start-up funds. Loan The period is 4 years for repayment and 1 year for deferral, a total of 5 years, and the guarantee fee is determined within 1.0% per year of the loan amount. To receive a loan, you must submit a bank deposit along with a certificate of business facts such as a copy of resident registration, business registration, lease agreement, and confirmation of unregistered small business. Please contact the corporation or the local credit guarantee foundation.

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미소금융 창업대출
