버스 분실물 찾기 Find lost items on the bus

When using public transportation, there are times when you lose something you had without realizing it. In such situations, many people panic, but if you use the Integrated Public Transportation Lost and Found Center, you can easily find items lost on buses, subways, trains, and taxis.

버스 분실물 찾기

버스 분실물 찾기

Table of Contents

Integrated Public Transportation Lost and Found Center
If you lose something on a bus
If you lose something on a subway
If you lose something on a train
If you lose something on a taxi

Integrated Lost and Found Portal
Integrated Lost and Found Portal
Integrated Public Transportation Lost and Found Center
The National Police Agency is implementing a service to return lost items received from all over the country to their original owners on the Integrated Lost and Found Portal site.

Go to the Integrated National Police Agency Lost and Found Portal

Found Items – View Details
Found Items – View Details

Even if your lost item is not on the site, if you enter information about your lost item in advance, you will be contacted when the item is received, so it is recommended that you enter information in advance in case of a loss.

If you lose something on a bus
If you lose something on a bus, remember which bus you took and call the bus company to find the lost item at the garage.

Go to the National Bus Garage Summary

If you find out about the loss too late, please search for the lost item on the National Police Agency’s Integrated Lost and Found Portal.

If you lose something on the subway
If you notice the lost item right after getting off the subway, go to the station office and tell them the time you got off so they can track the location of the subway and find the lost item. However, if you find out about the lost item after some time has passed, you should contact the subway lost and found center.

Since October 2017, the subway lost and found center has been integrated into the National Police Agency’s LOST 112 site, so please use the above method to find the lost item on the subway.

If you lose something on the train
If you are on the train, you can report the loss to the crew on duty and take action, but if you have already gotten off the train, you should report the loss to the train station office. If you have a ticket at this time, you can quickly find out the information about the train, so please consider this when looking for lost items.

Go to the lost and found center of the railway customer center

If you later become aware of the lost item, you can contact the lost and found center of the railway customer center at the main station to find the lost item. If you find the lost item, you must bring your ID to visit to find it. If you are receiving it through an agent, you can receive it by bringing a power of attorney, a copy of your ID, and the agent’s ID.

If you lose it in a taxi
If you lose it in a taxi, you can find it quickly if you know the vehicle number, but if you don’t, the vehicle number is written on the receipt, so you can use this to find it. If you paid in cash, you can search for the lost item on the National Taxi Transport Business Association website.

Go to the lost and found center of each region

If it has been a long time since you lost it, please search for the lost item using the National Police Agency’s Lost and Found Integrated Portal mentioned above.