불법주차 신고하는 방법(feat.안전신문고) How to report illegal parking (feat. Safety Report)

Parking is only allowed in designated areas. If you are a victim of illegal parking, you can find out how to report illegal parking below.불법주차 신고

불법주차 신고

Illegal parking is allowed in designated areas, and even if you stop briefly on the road, it is only allowed for a set period of time.

If you exceed the designated time, you may be subject to a fine for illegal parking.

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3 ways to report illegal parking and reward money

3 ways to report illegal parking
Report illegal parking
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1. Report illegal parking through Safety Report Center

Click here to download Safety Report ▲

The first method I will introduce is to use the Safety Newspaper app. You can download the safety report by accessing the link above.

You can use the service right away after simply installing the app using your smartphone. Here’s how to report using the Safety Report app:

Take photos of illegally parked vehicles and report them
Announce the location of illegally parked vehicles
You can take a photo of an illegally parked vehicle and report its location via GPS. After reporting, the result will be notified to you.

Illegal parking reporting standards
You can immediately check the results within 5 minutes to see whether a fine was imposed on the vehicle in question or whether a fine was not imposed.

If you report illegal parking using the above method, the official in charge will go directly to the location, check the owner, and give instructions to move the vehicle. Alternatively, you may call the vehicle owner and ask them to remove the vehicle.

2. Local government administrative district telephone
The next method is to call the local administrative district office where you are currently located. You can report illegal parking by calling the administrative district office.

Since phone numbers vary depending on the region, you must call the local administrative district office phone number to use the relevant complaint center.

Report illegal parking
You can call the district office to report the illegal vehicle by calling the Traffic Guidance Department, Traffic Management Department, or Economy and Transportation Department.

Since photographic evidence is usually required to make a report, it is recommended that the reporter take a video of the illegally parked vehicle.

You can also report by text message to the area code for each region. In order to properly process the report, the reporter’s contact information, vehicle number, and violation area must be included in the text message.

3. Dasan Call Center
The following is how to use the Dasan Call Center. The Dasan Call Center phone number is 120. Those who have difficulty using the smartphone app can call right away and be connected to a representative.

After connecting with a Dasan Call Center representative by phone, you can verbally convey the location and details of the currently illegally parked vehicle. You must describe the vehicle’s location or number in detail so that the agent can receive accurate information.

What are the no parking zones?
Typical no-parking areas include crosswalks, bus stops, corners of intersections, near fire hydrants, and child protection zones.

If you park outside of the designated parking area, you may incur a minimum fine ranging from 40,000 won to 130,000 won.

No illegal parking zone
Within 5m of a fire hydrant (fine 80,000 to 90,000 won)
On a crosswalk (fine 40,000-50,000 won)
Children’s protection zone (fine 120,000-130,000 won)
Within 5m of intersection corner (fine 40,000~50,000 won)
Within 10m of bus stop (fine 40,000~50,000 won)
What are the standards for illegal parking enforcement?
An easy way to check whether the vehicle you are reporting is illegal or not is by looking at the lines on the road surface.

Illegal parking enforcement standards
1.White solid line

The solid white line is the boundary that separates the road from the sidewalk, allowing parking.

2.Yellow dotted line

Parking is not permitted on the yellow dotted line, and parking is permitted within 5 minutes.

3.Yellow solid line

Solid yellow lines allow flexible parking within specific days and times.

4.Yellow double track

The yellow double track is a no parking zone.

What is the reward for reporting illegal parking?
Rewards for reporting illegal parking are not paid in cash. In the early 2000s, there was a system that paid a reward of 3,000 won per report.

However, since 2003, it has not been paid in cash. Mileage is accumulated each time you report, and if you are selected as an excellent earner, a gift certificate is paid at the end of each year.

What are the precautions for reporting illegal parking?
The report photo must be able to confirm the license plate number, location and time of the violation.
The time difference between the first and second photos must be more than 10 minutes (more than 1 minute between photos is allowed in the 5-vehicle illegal parking zone).
Only photos taken with the Safety Newspaper app camera are accepted.
The official in charge confirms the report and then decides whether to impose a fine.
Anyone who experiences inconvenience due to illegal parking can report illegal parking. You can use whichever of the three methods is most convenient for you.

Because it is an easy-to-use method, reporting can help others become aware of illegal parking.