비타민 C 과다 복용 What if you overdose on vitamin C? ‘Danger’ of cavities, urinary stones, and kidney stones | National Health Knowledge Center

비타민 C 과다 복용Orange juice rich in vitamin C (Photo = Naver)
It is a hot topic among netizens as it is known that overdosing on vitamin C can actually be harmful to the human body.
In the past two months when MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) hit Korea, ‘strengthening immunity’ was one of the top health issues, both in name and reality. As a result, attention naturally focused on vitamin C, but overdosing on vitamin C can cause various diseases.
Vitamin C is one of the six major nutrients essential for maintaining the health of our bodies, along with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and water. Its importance includes being responsible for the health of our skin and gums and forming connective and supporting tissues in our bodies. It does not lag behind carbohydrates, fat, and protein.
In addition, vitamin C helps improve immunity and has an antioxidant effect, so it is effective in preventing and relieving colds and infectious diseases and improving various inflammatory symptoms. For this reason, people strive to consistently consume vitamin C in various forms such as chewing tablets, powder, and pills.
However, chewable vitamin C (chewing tablets) and fruit juices such as orange juice containing large amounts of vitamin C are harmful to teeth to the extent that they are selected as one of the five foods that ruin teeth. In particular, chewable vitamins are often coated with sugar on the outside to make them sweeter, which can cause tooth decay. These vitamins are sticky, so if they stick to your teeth, they don’t come off easily. Therefore, it is better to take vitamin C in tablet form rather than chewable vitamin C, and consume fruit juice in ‘moderate amounts’.
The daily recommended amount of vitamin C recommended by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) is 100 mg, but if you consume more vitamin C, it is usually excreted through urine. However, caution must be exercised as excessive intake of vitamin C for a long period of time may cause urinary stones or kidney stones.
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비타민 C 과다 복용
