사대보험 계산기 2024 Four Major Insurance Calculators Check Four Major Insurance Rates

In 2024, the four major insurance rates, which are important to all citizens, have changed. Accordingly, it is necessary to check in advance the amount of four major insurances covered by monthly benefits. It is the “2024 Four Major Insurance Calculator” that helps you with this. Now let’s take a look at the details together. 사대보험 계산기


Four major social insurance information linkage centers


Top 4 Insurance Rates for 2024
The four major insurance rates for 2024 have been changed to 9.0% for the National Pension Service, 7.09% for health insurance, 0.9182% for long-term care and 1.8% for employment insurance. Details can be found in the table below.

Insurance classification

Total contributions

a worker’s contribution

Business contributions사대보험 계산기

health insurance




Health insurance (long-term care insurance)

0.9182% (old style: 12.95%)

50% of subscriber burden

50% of business burden

the national pension fund




employment insurance

1.8% + Employment stability, etc


0.9% + Employment stability, etc


Types and Purpose of the Four Major Insurance
In 2024, there are four different types of insurance. Each has the following objectives.

National pension: It aims to stabilize people’s lives and promote welfare, such as old age, bereaved family, and disability pensions.
Health insurance: It is operated to alleviate the burden of high medical expenses due to illness and injury.
Employment insurance: It is provided for labor market linkage through job security and vocational competency development.
Industrial Accident Insurance: It is operated to promote occupational accident compensation, worker rehabilitation, and return to outside the company.

How to calculate the four major insurances
The calculation of the four major insurances is borne by the worker and the employer, respectively, and the worker is signed up at work and deducted from the salary statement. The employer must register for the four major insurances when registering at the workplace.


How to use the four major insurance calculators
To use the four major insurance calculators for 2024, follow these steps.

Access the four major social insurance information linkage centers.
Information yard → Select the four major social insurance premium simulation calculations.
Enter your monthly salary and press the Calculate button.
Check the results to check the four insurance premiums.