삼쩜삼 고객센터 및 전화번호 Samjjeomsam customer center and phone number

When using Samjjeomsam, there may be times when you want to cancel your membership due to cleaning up your personal information or because you are no longer using it. However, there are times when you are not sure how to do this, so we will provide you with detailed information.

삼쩜삼 고객센터

삼쩜삼 고객센터
■Samjeomsam Withdrawal

When you withdraw from Samjjeomsam, all personal information collected items specified in the personal information processing policy will be automatically destroyed, and the relevant personal information will not be stored by Samjjeomsam after completion of withdrawal.

Therefore, please note that you cannot check or restore the usage history of your existing Samjjeomsam account when re-registering. Customers who are eligible for a refund in accordance with Article 9 of the Service Terms of Use may withdraw after the refund application process.


1. First, please access the “Withdrawal Link” in the Samjeomsam Customer Center withdrawal menu.

Go to Samjeomsam withdrawal link Source


2. After logging in to your Kakao Account, please select a reason for withdrawal.

Then, you can normally withdraw from Samjjeomsam.

Since all personal information will be destroyed before withdrawal, it will be difficult to assist you with consultation/refund, etc. afterward, so if you are in the process of consulting or have submitted an inquiry for refund, etc., we recommend that you process it first and then withdraw.




■Change of name and resident registration number

There are times when you have no choice but to withdraw from Samjjeomsam, which is when you change your name or resident registration number.

According to the customer service center information, if your personal information has changed due to a name change or resident registration number change after signing up for Samjjeomsam membership, you can use it normally when you cancel your existing Samjjeomsam account and re-register.

※ Must read: Please check the following before re-registering after withdrawal.
1. First, check whether the name change or resident registration number change is reflected in Hometax and Kakao Wallet.

2. All personal information collected from the canceled account is automatically destroyed, making it difficult to check existing usage history when re-registering for Samjjeomsam.