상표권 등록 What is a trademark? – Patent attorney providing legal and patent search, BEST Partner of lawyers, LegalTech

상표권 등록Trademark rights arise when such a trademark is established, and the rights are held for 10 years, but can be continuously renewed, so they have semi-permanent effect.

When registering a trademark, the trademark holder can exercise the exclusive right to use the registered trademark only for designated shampoos and the right to prohibit the use of trademarks that are identical or similar to other people’s registered trademarks.

If you want to register a trademark…

You can register a trademark on the Korean Intellectual Property Office website. The average period for examination at the Korean Intellectual Property Office after filing a trademark application is 10 months, but in certain cases, it is possible to apply for priority examination and receive examination within 2 to 3 months.

There is an application notification system in the trademark registration process, which announces trademarks that have passed the examination on the Korean Intellectual Property Office website to ensure the fairness and completeness of the examination and to prevent disputes that may arise after registration. It will be announced on the Korean Intellectual Property Office website for two months, and if there are no external objections during this period, trademark registration will be completed.

Before registering a trademark, you can use patent search to check whether the trademark has already been registered. Therefore, please do research in advance before starting a business to prevent any damage.

상표권 등록
