세븐일레븐 택배 가격 Simple summary of how to use 7-Eleven delivery service

Did you know that you can conveniently use a delivery service at a convenience store in front of your house when you trade items from Carrot Market or Joonggongara? I’m trying to find out how to use the delivery service at 7-Eleven convenience stores. Couriers sent from 7-Eleven are collected and delivered by Lotte courier drivers.

세븐일레븐 택배 가격

7-Eleven convenience store delivery service guide
Due to the nature of convenience stores, 24-hour delivery service is available, and the minimum charge is 2,800 won. The delivery process is as follows.

Turn on convenience store delivery in the KakaoTalk app 세븐일레븐 택배 가격
Search nearby convenience stores and write information
Visit 7-Eleven
Receipt at the store staff (show the barcode and receive the receipt) 비지니스헬퍼
Lotte courier delivery progress
Although reservations are made through the Kakao application, actual delivery is carried out by Lotte Parcel Delivery, so delivery inquiry (link) can be made at Lotte Parcel Delivery. Through the application, you can search for the nearest convenience store delivery service location around your house. Below is a guide to next-day delivery deadlines.

Metropolitan area, metropolitan city: reception before 17:00 on the day
Other areas: Reception before 15:00 on the day
In some areas, it may vary depending on local characteristics.
Weekend orders may not be delivered the next day.
Let’s find out how to apply for courier service in earnest.


KakaoTalk convenience store courier application process

KakaoTalk convenience store delivery process
To receive a 7-Eleven courier receipt, first open the KakaoTalk application, click the ‘jeomjeomjeom’ icon at the bottom right, and then click the ‘KakaoPay’ icon. Next, click ‘All’ located at the top and scroll down to see ‘Shipping’ in the affiliate service field. please click Lastly, if you press ‘Convenience Store Courier’, the screen to enter the address and information will appear.


If you want to know where the 7-Eleven is near you, click ‘Nearby Convenience Store’ located in the upper right corner. If there is a convenience store that does not appear on the map, it means that the store does not support delivery service. After filling out the sending convenience store (name, contact information, address), product information (item name, item unit price), and recipient (name, contact information, address) in order, and paying the shipping fee, the preparation is complete.


Reservation details to be shown to the store (barcode)
You can check the completed reservation in the Reservation Details tab (Kakao Talk > Kakao Pay > All > Shipping > Reservation History) as above. You can check the barcode to show to the store staff at the convenience store and cancel the reception here. You must visit the convenience store and receive the item within the ‘validity period’. Otherwise, your reservation will be canceled and all payments made will be refunded.

When checking in with the store staff – After completing the reservation, show the barcode in ‘Reservation History > Reservation Details’


If the store clerk doesn’t know how to do it well, please note that the store clerk goes through the process of ‘choose the floor of the POS > scan the barcode for the customer > attach the receipt for attaching the delivery box to the box’ and is ready to send the parcel.


Notes on shipping cost and product information
Below is a table of domestic shipping rates.

delivery fee
Same area (~25kg) KRW 3,500
4,000 won for other regions
Jeju Island 6,500 won
Different rates by region between islands and mountains

Product Information Notes
For items exceeding KRW 500,000 per package, additional freight is charged, and the maximum amount of damages varies depending on the transportation fee. The unit price of the item becomes the standard for compensation (compensation within the limit of the unit price of the item) in case of delivery accidents. We do not handle shipments with an item value exceeding 3 million won per package. Each provision also applies in cases of tort liability due to negligence. Kakao Pay provides a delivery reservation service, and you can be informed about liability for damages related to courier services through Lotte Global Logis.


Handling Restricted Items
cashable goods
Items that can be converted into cash, such as cash, bills, gift certificates, checks, securities, and performance tickets
Perishable and perishable goods
Fish, meat, flowers, living animals, plants and carcasses, and other deteriorating and perishable items
Damage-concerned items
Items made of glass or porcelain, such as bowls, glass, cups, and ceramics
Electronic products
Laptops, computers, monitors, TVs, printers, etc.
Restricted items under the Postal Act (letters, urgent documents, etc.)
Non-renewable and time-limited items
Original items such as documents and films that cannot be reproduced / Items whose value is lost when the deadline is exceeded, such as application forms and documents for employment
dangerous goods
Poisons, pesticides, narcotics, gunpowder, guns, inflammables, paints, car batteries
Items that weigh more than 25kg, the sum of three sides is more than 160cm, and the length of one side exceeds 120cm

packaging condition
Packing must be done by the person who sends it, and if the packaging is not in good condition, it may not be possible to collect the item due to the risk of damage or separation. Items must be safely packed in standardized boxes. Examples of packaging defects (plastic packaging, nude items, document bags, shopping bags, tied cargo, deformed cargo, burlap sacks, etc.)



So far, we have looked at how to use 7-Eleven courier services. Please note that delivery times vary by store. Since items take a long time to come and go, we recommend that you check thoroughly to make sure nothing is missing when packing once before sending. I hope it was helpful for you to use it. thank you