소상공인 정책자금 종류 ‘Small business policy funds’ for business owners suffering from financial difficulties

소상공인 정책자금 종류The Small Business Market Promotion Corporation provides loans with long repayment periods and low interest rates for small business owners*. You can receive a variety of support, from business owners looking to start a new business to young business owners. However, support closes when the limit for each fund is exhausted, so it is best to apply as soon as possible.

So, can all small business owners apply for small business policy funds? Not really. Please check the application eligibility below.
The number of full-time workers must be less than 5. However, in the manufacturing, construction, transportation, and mining industries, it is okay to have less than 10 full-time workers. At this time, part-time workers whose regular working hours per month are less than 60 hours, and those who work for a fixed period of less than 3 months are not considered full-time workers.
Anyone who qualifies as a small business can apply, but there are some industries that are excluded. Entertainment, entertainment, professional industries (lawyers, tax accountants, doctors, pharmacists), finance, insurance, and real estate cannot apply for small business policy funds. It is difficult for owners who are on temporary suspension or closure of business or who are delinquent on taxes to receive financial support. Nonprofit companies are excluded from small business policy funding support.

Depending on the intervention and procedures of the Small Business Market Corporation, they can be broadly divided into two types: direct loans and agency loans. 
This is a form in which the Small Business Market Promotion Corporation provides a loan directly to the owner without a guarantee agency. The loan process is as follows.
This is a form in which the Small Business Market Corporation provides financial support to the owner through a financial institution (bank). There are two types of agency loans: guaranteed loans, which are loans obtained through a guarantee, and credit-secured loans, which are obtained after credit and collateral evaluation. 
1) Guaranteed loan
2) Credit/secured loans
✅ Frequently asked questions about agency loans
Q. Can I get a loan unconditionally if I have a proxy loan confirmation or guarantee?
Not really. Usually, guarantee agencies and financial institutions provide guarantees at a ratio of 9:1, so even if you have a guarantee, the loan may not be granted by the institution that makes the final loan review.
Q. How do I apply for and receive a proxy loan confirmation?
You can apply for the confirmation from the Small Business Policy Fund website > [Loan Application] menu > Agent Loan Confirmation Application page. More detailed application instructions can be found on page 40 of the document.

The basic loan terms are as follows. 
Since submission documents, application periods, loan types, etc. are different for each fund, it is best to carefully check the notices posted on the Small Business Market Promotion Agency. Listed below are common types of funds. Among these, find the type that suits you.
✅ Smart technology and equipment that meet the smart fund application requirements include smart orders and kiosks. It is widely used in general restaurants and cafes, so please take a close look at the relevant owner.
Applications can be made quarterly on the official Small Business Policy Fund website. The period varies depending on the fund, and applications are closed on a first-come, first-served basis if the budget is exceeded, so it is best to check frequently. In addition, I will tell you some tips to remember before applying.

💪 3-line summary for busy business owners

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Edit Yoo Seo-jin, Park So-yeon Graphic Lee Eun-ho, Inanum

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