신규사업자 대출 Where to get a business loan? – Loan SOS

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Small business owners!
Are you struggling for your business right now?
There may be times when you feel tired and exhausted,
but whenever that happens, think about your dream.
I support you as you take each step toward that dream.
Business loans are an important means of raising funds necessary for business operations.
As a licensed credit counselor, I am writing this article to help small business owners who are having difficulties due to the economic downturn.
Below, I have summarized the most representative business loans and policy fund loans from the first financial sector.
Please take just one minute to read.

Kakao Bank Business Loan is the easiest business loan product for individual business owners with a business registration certificate.
Learn more
Kookmin Bank Individual Business Loan is a simple loan product that anyone who is a self-employed person with a business registration certificate can apply for. Learn more
Woori Bank Woori CEO e-Convenient Account Loan is a new business loan for individual business owners who deposit their affiliated store sales proceeds into Woori Bank.
Learn more
K Bank Individual Business Credit Loan is a loan that can be used with a business registration certificate.
Learn more
Hana Bank Credit Card Sales Loan is a personal business loan product that calculates the loan limit based on credit card sales data.
Learn more
Small business policy funds are loan products supported by the government to stabilize the management of small business owners and resolve financial difficulties.
Business Sunshine Loan is a policy finance product that provides funds to ordinary business owners who have low personal credit scores and low incomes and have difficulty using institutional finance.
Youth-only Startup Fund is a long-term, low-interest policy fund for young startups aged 39 or younger.
Business loan for businesses with less than 1 year of business experience
General business owners can use both personal loans and business loans. Personal loans are reviewed based on the individual’s credit rating, income, and collateral owned by the individual, but business loans include the financial status and operating status of the business in the loan review.
Business loans can be broadly divided into operating capital loans and facility capital loans.
Business loans that support funds required for the acquisition, establishment, expansion, renovation, and maintenance of fixed business facilities such as buildings, factories, and machines, as well as incidental expenses
Business loans to procure funds necessary for business operations
Many small business owners are having a hard time due to the current economic downturn.
However, never give up.
You who are reading this article are definitely people who have passion and dreams for business.
If you challenge yourself with that passion and dream without giving up, you will definitely succeed.
There are difficult times right now, but if you endure those times well, it will be an opportunity for greater success.
Small business owners, cheer up!
We support your dreams!

Reference site: Small Business Policy Fund

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Agreement interest rate: Within 20% per annum | Default interest rate: Agreement interest rate + 3% (within 20% per annum) Additional costs other than interest: No brokerage fee Additional costs other than interest: No brokerage fee
Site name: Loan SOS | Representative: Dong-won Lim | Fax number: 070-8015-6809 | Loan brokerage business name: Jigeuri.com Loan Brokerage | Loan brokerage registration number: 2024-Daegu Dong-gu-0034 | Address: 208, 12, Hyodong-ro 1-gil, Dong-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City | Registration attempt name: Daegu Dong-gu Office (Job Creation Division 053-662-4716) | Business Registration Number: 730-07-01808 | Personal Information Manager: Dongwon Lim
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